24.08.2013 - 11:14
I think everyone would agree with this one. The naval units should be the bottom section when buying units. Currently this happens. If it's a land city: ![]() But if it's a port: ![]() Suddenly aircraft gets replaced with naval vessels. This is very annoying sometimes. Many times have I bought Submarines when I meant to buy Bombers. This is due to automatically thinking it'd be in the same place as it was the last city I'd just bought bombers with. If aircraft and land units are available in every city then I think that they should not deviate from their positions. I think the new order should be: LAND AIR NAVAL for ALL cities. This way it saves confusion and you know that what you're buying is what it always is. ![]()
24.08.2013 - 12:02
Support! The order of the units should be LAND - AIR - NAVAL (not "only" does it maintain the order of the units independently if it is a port or not, but it also corresponds to the priority of units a player usually builds: LAND > AIR > NAVAL). Additionally i suggest that the tabs could have different colors: green for land units, blue for aerial units and white for naval units. ![]() Just the order has to be altered: LAND-AIR-NAVAL.
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24.08.2013 - 14:52
I totally support Columna's suggestion to give the unit groups colours, will make it easier to manage when you have little time.
---- "Another such victory and I come back to Epirus alone" - Pyrrhus of Epirus
24.08.2013 - 20:57
This is something I support. Why would you use a port city for land units if you're not going to move them anywhere? Ports are needed for other important functions, and rarely do ports have many reinf so you have to use them effectively. For that reason only, I support Naval units in ports to be at the top, like Terminal.
---- "Do not pray for an easy life, pray for the strength to endure a difficult one"
25.08.2013 - 00:51
You are missing the point about familiarity he will end up building Destroyers rather than Infantry for example, doing it your way wouldn't solve Pups initial problem @V and Terminal. 100% support grouping units into colours, personally the order isn't important to me I mean its pretty easy to look at what you are clicking.
25.08.2013 - 01:41
I get your point. But our proposal is based more on logic. Port city, naval units come first. Land based city, land units come first. And everybody's happy because they aren't organized archaically.
---- "Do not pray for an easy life, pray for the strength to endure a difficult one"
25.08.2013 - 02:39
Some statistics on port cities (taking the world map as standard): 1. There are 238 port cities (48,37% of all cities). 2. Reinforcements in Port Cities ![]() 3. Contribution of Port Cities to countries' income ![]() 4. Contribution of Port Cities' Reinforcements to Total Reinforcements ![]() 5. Units Built by Top 10 Players ![]() Some possible conclusions:
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25.08.2013 - 03:06
So what points exactly are you arguing with your fancy numbers? All I want is for Naval units to come first in port cities. Generally you supported my argument. I didn't mention anything regarding color. You did prove me wrong, I guess. Port cities have plenty of reinfs. Just that you're not going to make much land units in a damn port city- I mean really who's doing that besides Turkey?
---- "Do not pray for an easy life, pray for the strength to endure a difficult one"
25.08.2013 - 03:45
What I'm trying to indicate with the "fancy numbers" is that most of the units built in port cities are non-naval units. Furthermore, it makes it easier to control the units building tab if the order Land-Air-Naval is incorporated, since many players just zap through the cities and build the units by simply not closing the tab but just jumping from city to city. If the order is Land-Air (for non-port cities) and it becomes naval-land-air (for port cities), then this fast zapping is not possible, since one has to scroll down to buy the same units accros the cities. For these reasons my proposal is:
Last but not least, the following cities have 6-8 reinforcements and probably most of the units built in these cities are non-naval: Hamburg, Athens, Saint Petersburg, Barcelona, Istanbul, Izmir, London, Algiers, Luanda, Douala, Alexandria, Accra, Conakry, Abidjan, Tripoli, Casablanca, Lagos, Mogadishu, Cape Town, Durban, Dar es Salaam, Vancouver, Santo Domingo, Miami, Washington, Boston, New York, Los Angeles, San Diego, San Francisco, Seattle, Houston, Buenos Aires, Fortaleza, Salvador, Rio de Janeiro, Sao Paulo, Guayaquil, Lima, Caracas, Maracaibo, Baku, Chittagong, Yangon, Tianjin, Hong Kong, Guangzhou, Fuzhou, Shanghai, Chennai, Kolkata, Mumbai, Surat, Nagoya, Osaka, Sapporo, Tokyo, Kuwait City, Beirut, Karachi, Manila, Jeddah, Busan, Seoul, Kotte, Taipei, Bangkok, Dubai, Ho Chi Minh, Sydney, Brisbane, Melbourne, Jakarta, Medan, Surabaya, Kuala Lumpur, and Singapore.
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25.08.2013 - 04:42
You guys have never been quickly mass building Bombers and suddenly find yourselves with 8 Submarines? I use port cities rarely for naval units, only when I need to. To have Naval units at the top for just port cities would just make it far more confusing than it already is. I'm trying to make it more simple, not more complicated. NAVAL - LAND - AIR is a bigger deviation than what it already is and is doing the complete opposite of my suggestion.
25.08.2013 - 09:26
Segregation? lol. What I'm trying to do is make it easier for people to think. I understand that people might be used to where they are now but I think everyone has to admit, whether it's better personally or not, LAND - AIR - NAVAL is more simple and straight forward. LAND - AIR - NAVAL is the order of the most amount of units people build. Land is the most common, for obvious reasons, then Air and Naval both have 1 strategy, as you said. But you can build Air units anywhere, so they are second most common. Finally there is Naval units, which can't only be built at specific places, and are, therefore, the least common units. With no deviation it is far easier for everyone. This would be especially helpful in Quick games if you need to rush to build units in the last minute. Often, I'm sure, it has been done in which they've meant to build loads of bombers before reinforcement turn but, oh no, suddenly I accidentally built loads of Submarines because I forgot that ports switch them around, unnecessarily. So then I've got to spend precious seconds undoing that and then scrolling down to build the bombers, by which time it is too late and the turn has ended. I don't see ports as any different as cities. I see ports and cities the same, they look the same, they pretty much are exactly the same, the only difference is ports can build naval units. People who just see ports as cities, like me, have these problems.
25.08.2013 - 10:40
Actually my logic is not flawed, and you talk about respecting how people play when you are the worst at respecting that, as just shown then. If you can't understand my logic, then you are clearly illogical.
25.08.2013 - 15:44
All this depends on which strat you are catering too, the majority are not strats which you build lots of naval units, on top of that having a fixed order would probably be best for all strats so you know exactly where to click all the time. The different colours for each section is good, they should only be light shades predominantly grey though so it doesn't stand out too much.
25.08.2013 - 15:53
Keep as is. My Sky menace will be so confusing. Ill spam destroyers instead of bombers huehue
---- It's not the end. ![]()
25.08.2013 - 16:00
Lol that's the problem this is trying to fix, the order changes for port cities, I have messed up and spawned naval instead of bombers as well because of the order messing up. With this the order would always be land-air-naval.
25.08.2013 - 16:41
Gentlemen, please. From the point of interface design, consistency is a good thing, therefore having the same unit in the same place in every city is a good thing. It should default to LAND-AIR-NAVAL. HOWEVER, seeing as there are several players who will be hurt by this configuration, there's another thing that's good from the interface point of view - customization. So, whenever in a city menu, you should be able to rearrange unit groups and unit themselves and have them stay in that position in all other cities too. There, solves both problems.
25.08.2013 - 17:26
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25.08.2013 - 19:49
ok, other than terminal, who uses more naval units than ground and air? exactly.... NO ONE.
25.08.2013 - 20:25
Occasionally I like to play NC and just spam Naval units rather than land units but other than that... Most of us make more Land units and Air units(if you play modern maps).
---- "Another such victory and I come back to Epirus alone" - Pyrrhus of Epirus