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28.08.2024 - 15:00
First of all

A fan fiction map that brings enjoy to the community!

In here, you're safe from all the latejoiners, wallf**ers, trolls, waiting. Thats right! You heard me! This scenario only requires 5 people!

Team Number One is: Humans! Consist of 3 people and trying to defend against the zombies & prisoners.[/glow]
-North Wing is trying his best to support the center from falling down.
-Center is doing everything he/she can to defend the gates against the dead
-South Wing is trying to defend against rising power of Prisoners!
-Until U.S. Army Force arrives, nothing they can do but to defend.

Team Number Two is: Zombies! Alone, fighting to take over all the living things and turn it into one of them.[/glow]
-Army of the dead is gathered around the big gate of our safe shelter! When the toxic radiation rain falls upon them, they get stronger! They have limited time to defeat all living lives and take over the shelter. They are alone but strong. Mutated zombies are much stronger and ready to engage against fire arms.

Team Number Three is: Prisoners! Or should I call Sigmas? These thugs, criminals, underdogs are facing hard challenge in such times. They are trapped behind bars because of what they ''allegedly'' did. But when they heard the zombies crawling around and knocking down the door, they uprised![/glow]
-Sigma army is fighting alone but fighting hard. Trying to take over Armories to gain weapons and become free from this enslavement. Don't forget the words of a true leader Theodore ''T-Bag'' Bagwell! That's right! He is here too! With the strong leadership, T-Bag will carry prisoners to victory! Like the vise words of master of Prisoners, Xenovox, always reminds us; PUMP IT!!!
Entertain doubt is to dance with death
28.08.2024 - 15:15
Completed Story Line

It's 21:20 (9:20 P.M). Zombies are gathered at the big entrance door. Nobody knows why. There is something weird about the weather though... Prisoners got worried. They want to see what the hell is going on here. They can not see what's outside. There is a dark weather outside. Darker than usual. Everyone started to panic. Mayor is trying to calm everyone down but its in vain. Zombies are knocking at the door.
It's 21:45 (9:45 P.M.) Prisoner uprising have began due to the panic in the facility. They try to bring down the doors. There are a lot of them gathered around T-Bag. Waiting for answers. And he shouted. ''This place is getting hot!, Last time you let us into this situation, one of my white guy was turned into black! Now what? They about to turn into one of them? Heell na''' he said. Prisoners shout it. ''Pump it!, Pump it!, Pump it!'' When the entrance guard take a look at the outside, he freaked out what he has saw out there. It sounded gibberish. Quote :'' There... are... Thousa... no, no... Millions of them!!!''. And one of the prisoner is overheard the situation and noticed T-bag. Now the uprising officialy has begun.
22:10 (10:10 P.M.) The dead have broken into the big f**king gate! Nobody knows how. Mayor is noticed by the situation and informed the other wings to gather around the big gate and defend it at all cost! One of the male citizen dressed as a women suggested that all women and children should take the Underground Safety Tunnels incase of something bad happens. Mayor aggreed to this. Some citizens trying to escape from Underground Safety Tunnels. The others bearing arms and preparing for a fight.
22:54 (10:54 P.M.) The weather outside shaped into dark colors. Much more darker than it ever was. It feels like its going to rain. Some might say its dark red. Clouds are surrounded the area. There are raindrops falling down. But it doesn't smell right. Something is Wrong. There are loud voices coming from the underground safety tunnels. There is no way those f**ers got into the shelters! Then the Mayor thought, the tunnels are connected to the sewers. What if...
00:00 (00:00 A.M.) MUTATION! It wasn't good at all. Rain drops were contaminated with radiation. The sounds coming from outside is not normal. Not regular. Something is growling. Something is giggling. Something is causing walls to shake. And I could... swear... something just... pass near me... Am I panicking? Something creepy, slimy comes out of Underground Safety Tunnels. Oh... The people who went there... Children... Women... That is exactly what the mayor had thought. No. It was not people who went there they see. It was something gross they see. Something never seen before was coming.
02:15 (02:15 A.M.) Facility is falling apart. Mayor is trying to reach someone using the radio. Trying to calm people down. It's all in vain. Looking back, something just grabbed a dude with his tongue, something just smashed 5 people with his bare hands. Something is making a cocoon out of people, alive people, they still breath but why?
02:45 (02:45 A.M.) There is no hope left... Mayor is looking back, shocked what he is seeing right now.One of the soldiers carried the Mayor to the safety with his radio on. He's trying to communicate but nobody answers. It worked before gathering all these people here by using radio. Maybe someone could help or at least be noticed to upgrade their defences.
03:15 (03:15 A.M.) Mayor heard someone speaking in the radio. The message was inaudible but we are trying to comminicate whomever out there. It may be our only hope...
03:15 (3:15 A.M.) Prisoners are completely took control of the first Armory and they now have access to fire arms. The Mayor is thinking what he has done wrong. Maybe he should have forgive the prisoners. No. They were rapists! Murderers! Thieves!... What... does... it... even... matter. The Mayor lost his mind started laughing out loud.
03:48 (3:48 A.M.) Until... He heard someone in the radio. Radio was audible! The person talking from it claims that he is in U.S. Army ground forces. He did not believe it of course. Once he started talking about ''The Cure'' it all made sense. Another person trying to take a shelter and lying to get into our shelter. The last survivers trying to gather around council door, protecting it at all cost.
3:52 (3:52 A.M.) Nobody knows what to do. Maybe we should have trusted the radio... Whispers are shouting from everywhere. Everyone is questioning Mayor's authority. One of the kids throws a wooden stick to the Mayor. Shouting ''You killed my mom!, You let them pass thorugh the safety tunnels! Now she's gone! So are we soon...'' Crying... Mayor took the radio and took an other shot to get in contact with the stranger.
04:08 (4:08 A.M.) Same dude in the radio tried to reach to us again. He said that to prove he is indeed in the U.S. Army force, look up above the sky at 5.45 A.M. we're going to fly helicopters belong to U.S. Military. And said that if the back door lights were on they will make an entrance. Everyone has been noticed and the hope returned to the people. With their last breath, everyone armed their weapons and stand against the dead...
04:45 (04:45 A.M.) Hearing even slice of hope, there is only 1 hour left for the people to hold the gate at all cost. Everyone is exhausted but its the only choice.
05:44 (05:44 A.M.) 1 Minute remaining... There are sounds coming from far away but we do not know what it is. Can they be actually them? U.S. Army ?
05:45 (05:45 A.M.) Sounds are now getting even much closer but the time is up!! Where the hell are they???
05:50 (05:50 A.M.) U.S. Army Force have arrived!!! They're entering from the back door to clear out the zone. We're saved!!! Mayor is talking to a general in silence. Some rumors says that there is an airborn CURE! Scientists are preparing to release the CURE to the air. There are so many of them! We're saved!
06:00 (06:00 A.M.) The cure has been released from the vents. General believes that not even a single U.S. Soldier have to die.
07:00 (07:00 A.M.) There is something wrong about the CURE. It's not only killing the infecteds.. Oh my god... Everyone... Put... Your... Gas.. Masks...On... NOW!
Any ideas about the map and scenario can be directly written to me or under this post. Thanks for reading it. and again, Welcome to the Leauge of Sigmas! PUMP ITTT!!!
Entertain doubt is to dance with death
30.08.2024 - 12:22
Great map
31.08.2024 - 16:20
This is my suggestions after spectating ONE GAME:
--Section 1:Gameplay
1. I've noticed that it is basically necessary for the prisoners and zombies to cooperate to beat humans. It should be more balanced, with all three sides being equally powerful, or just make prisoners and zombies be on the same team so people don't screw each other over. I feel like having three equal sides introduces a very interesting political game where temporary alliances can be made and broken based on the balance of power.
2. It seems like the humans' job is just to wall everything and wait for reinforcements, which is fine, but I don't like that after they get reinforcements its basically a guaranteed win-there should still be a small chance where the other teams can win, for a more interesting endgame.
3. The developers seemed to only like playing on the human side-I only watched one game, but it seemed like they don't really like the other two sides, which could be a problem for balancing.
--Section 2:The Map
Keep in mind I was not able to view the recruitment and income of the cities, so I will focus on the map itself.
1. There is only one entrance into the building. Perhaps some side entrances could spice up the game a bit.
2. All the human capitals are in one building, furthest away from the zombies. This should not be the case. I suggest Mayor's room for north wing and either Armory III or Dining room II for south wing.
--Section 3:Units
suggestions? anyone? I haven't played this map before so I can't comment on this.

Anyways, that's my textwall!

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