15.11.2019 - 21:13
Hello everyone. As you all know, the Scenario community is dying, nothing good fills anymore, and World map is taking over Atwar. Well, I say STOP THIS MADNESS! WE MUST BRING BACK SCENARIO GAMES, FILL THEM ALL, AND MAKE ATWAR GREAT AGAIN! #FillScenarioGames
---- RP is terrible, but NWE is the worst of all
15.11.2019 - 22:20
It's just that no one wants to play these maps, that is all. Not even that "scenario community is dying" as you say. It's more so they just don't prefer these games, which is fair, let people play what they enjoy. Also this is not limited to scenarios, there have been people who made regular map games that are non-world map that can't fill for shit. It's nothing to do with any community "dying" it's just people don't prefer to play some of these maps. Btw if you try to make the "some maps have too many players to fill argument" that's a very weak argument, colonial supremacy fills all the time and it's a 17 player game.
18.11.2019 - 12:39
The only reason why scenarios are not getting fill because ranks 5 a to 7 can now play in the beginners lobby. When I first started only 1-4 could only play there. Now we dont have enough players to fill games in the main lobby.
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18.11.2019 - 18:02
This is not a new thing lol I don't see how that can effect current game when it's been a thing for years now. I mean freaking high ranks can still play in beginners now if they wanted to(which i've brought up to Ivan in the past to which he replied saying this: ![]() But that's beside the point this is blatantly not true because scenarios do indeed fill, It's only a select few however, because people have very niche taste in maps, like for example how colonial supremacy fills almost all the time even at NA-friendly times(when the game is dead as fuck) whereas 6 player maps cannot fill at NA-friendly times. It literally has nothing to do with more people being in beginners nor does it have to do with not having enough players like people keep claiming it is..
19.11.2019 - 17:17
Colonial supremacy fills with 50% r0-r6 players. Scenario lowest rank is usually r6-r7
20.11.2019 - 00:10
Don't think that's really relevant. That's pretty much every scenario that's not a teamgame most ffa's allow anyone in but that still classifies as a scenario
23.11.2019 - 13:33
well it is relevant when u say that colonial supremacy always fills even tho it has 17 players.... I give u facts. u can have ur opinion but not ur facts ![]()
23.11.2019 - 15:41
Not really, it's not relevant because you try to justify it with rank limitations as if that's the sole reason, which is far from the truth. I mean compare colonial to literally any other similar type of FFA maps, they're all dead at this point(or if they do fill it takes hours and likely still fails anyway and no one re-hosts). Even RP can't fill anymore to save it's life and they allow ANY ranks in. Trying to justify colonial's success with allowing anyone to join is a false narrative which is why I said it's not relevant because that's kind of a non-factor
24.11.2019 - 10:21
NWE usually fills just as fast as colonial.... world maps 20 players fills just as fast, ancient map 20 players too. some other shitty maps as well with 15+ players. U are just blind. Or do u think NWE is a good map because it fills fast.
24.11.2019 - 10:33
World map is not the same as a FFA map, world map will always do better than custom maps which is why i said "similar type of ffa maps" Also I used NWE as an example of a map that allows anyone to play that was played just as much. NWE is pretty dead now, that would be true in 2018 but not so much now. Also I don't know why you bring up that last statement because I've literally not given my impression that I like NWE (or any other map i mentioned forthat matter)Look at any FFA maps that were popular in the past. Death's 1938 - dead map, Bellerophon's 7 years war - dead map, Hell's custom GGG - dead map, Camel's world in 1939 - dead map, Nifty's GGG's - not as popular anymore but I wouldn't call them dead To reiterate NWE was used as an example to show how letting anyone play does not = map being successful because again if you look at NWE now the map cannot fill for shit
25.11.2019 - 15:41
I think ur blind, NWE usually fills just as fast as colonial and by your logic people play a map which is good, so NWE must be good in your opinion. Sorry but u gey. Proof: https://prnt.sc/q1zne3
25.11.2019 - 23:06
I've never said people play a map which is good. I said 'people have niche tastes' they'll play maps that align with their TASTES. I know people who have/will play NWE solely because there's nothing else but would never touch ww1. That's due to them having niche tastes in maps Also a map filling fast doesn't mean that map is alive nor popular lol. People have joined my religionis imperium map pretty fast but that map is still dead as fuck, also the map filling ocassionally doesn't prove it either. NWE is indeed a dead map like I said, filling it has literally nothing to do with the map being dead. If it keeps failing it's not successful. Let's refer to game logs for proof to debunk your "proof" Both screenshots show games from the last 50 games in the last month. Games that are crossed off are games that started with less than 7 players(fails) or people private hosting. Reason why I still include 7+ player games is because that's the size of your average team-game scenario so therefore it would still measure up to a team game. Colonial didn't have 50 in total so it had to be reduced to 47 Colonial supremacy: ![]() ![]() Full links so you can see full image: https://i.gyazo.com/dd1f5d5a9850a9fe3a76d5369dadc7eb.jpg https://i.gyazo.com/e3cc81798f02425ff503e640da362cda.png So that means 23 of the 47 games lasted longer than 10 turns with 7 or more players in the game which is about half of the games hosted. New World Empires: ![]() ![]() Full links so you can see full image: https://i.gyazo.com/c18d8fe229900cd6c2a962d5c347ed6e.jpg https://i.gyazo.com/b1585381dc8cb54cccee5985914cb920.jpg So this means 6 out of 50 games lasted longer than 10 turns with 7 or more players in the game, which is less than 80% of all the games hosted. Now sure you can argue "a lot of people were private hosting", but it's literally NO different if you look at the last 100 games hosted, I'll show you the last 100 games if you want to see that as well Again my argument that NWE is dead holds up. Also my argument that people only play maps that align with their particular tastes has still yet to be debunked by you
26.11.2019 - 11:34
You know the games dead when even scenarios arent played anymore; used to see at least 2 ww1s open at the same time, and another 2-3 rome/greek scenario maps. sucks.
---- ''Everywhere where i am absent, they commit nothing but follies'' ~Napoleon ![]()
27.11.2019 - 18:02
no, it prevents people from going from a new account to rank 14 off SP farm maps. Before it was introduced there was literal rank 10s who got deranked down to rank 7 because of the insane amounts of SP the map generated
27.11.2019 - 18:32
Hey siri!
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27.11.2019 - 22:17
Just stop fucking banning people. If people didn't ban each other, the games would fill. I'm banned from half the games on atwar, but I am on all the time. They would fill if I was not banned. Sirivann can vouch for me. He knows that I am not a troll. So don't call me one. I hate that word.
---- Happiness = reality - expectations
27.11.2019 - 23:17
28.11.2019 - 16:00
it bascially killed the game. 1) hurt mapmaker 2) world map is boring 3)waste your time with sp multiplier 4)bad for low rank 5) replace ai algorithm with forum so we can decide to reduce sp multiplier on forum than let computer decide.
---- Hi
28.11.2019 - 17:04
1. Did not hurt map maker in anyway, just reduces SP you make from map. If you can make 2k sp in 4 turns it's obviously an SP farm, in that case the map's maker shouldn't care if it gets reduced otherwise they must be trying to make as much SP as possible(SP farming) 2. Don't see how that's relevant to SP multiplier at all 3. Sure? 4. It's not bad for low ranks because it makes maps with too much Sp gain equal to world map in terms of SP so you don't have people reaching rank 10 in their first month of playing. Like think about it logically, would it make sense for someone to be rank 8 from SP farm maps having literally JUST started playing the game? Let's say we did remove the sp multiplier, do you understand the magnitude of what doing that would incur? Low ranks suddenly boosting ranks significantly then as a result people will let these people in thinking that they are experienced players when in actuality they had their rank inflated from SP farm maps, so then the rank gap in games starts to grow more and more. Nowadays if you're below rank 8 you have an exceedingly hard time to join a game. If low ranks start inflating ranks with SP farm maps then the rank range will increase. Soon most games will only allow rank 10's and higher to play, therefore making it harder for mid rank players to find games just because newer players are easily getting mid rank from SP farm maps. If anything that will make it WORSE off than it is now
29.11.2019 - 10:53
that will intice more player to play and call their friend to join the game
---- Hi
29.11.2019 - 17:56
29.11.2019 - 18:13
No it wouldn't lmao, E mare's wheel of war literally earns 125% SP (meaning it makes more than world map) but people still don't join it when it's hosted
30.11.2019 - 10:59
1) not a very interesting map 2) I was talking about map should be 100% not under x<100% 3) sp multipler must be dsiable and decided by community in forum than automatic change by ai. 4) since most map maker are premium they can create map for players and disabling mutiplier give incentive to map maker to play more
---- Hi
30.11.2019 - 11:15
Personally myself, I think every map needs an SP buff considering most new players grow bored of the game by rank 4 it seems, especially when you consider how much SP you need for full upgrades (About 610000 if I'm not mistaken), not to mention any new ones that may come in the future. We tried a double SP weekend at one point, perhaps it would be nice if it were every weekend?
30.11.2019 - 12:52
Why are the people who run this game NOT RESPONSIVE TO THE PEOPLE AT LARGE? THEY DO NOT RESPOND! THEY DON'T GIVE A SHIT. All they're good for is exercising their prepubescent authority that manifests in the bans of good men. I want the DOUBLE XP weekend implemented NOW. I'm sick and fucking tired of hearing these people saying "implement this" or "implement that," just get off your lazy fucking ass and do something already. You're worse than any fucking government that has ever plagued this fucking Earth, are you really incapable of implementing something so obviously conducive to raising revenue and player participation? Or are you a deaf mother fucker that doesn't want to listen? If you're gonna sit on your high fucking horse, then at least feed the god damn fucking beast.
---- Happiness = reality - expectations
30.11.2019 - 13:00
They just sit there as incompetent administrative officials. It doesn't take a genius to run this fucking game, you just sit there and "mute," "mute," "ban." A fucking monkey can do this. This entire game is filled to the brim with lazy slags, and you wonder why scenarios won't fill? We have dozens of people who work as monkeys banning and muting, while we have, as far as I know, two people who actually matter: Dave and Clovis. Those two need to take their asses out of fucking starbucks and start doing something useful. I'm not gonna sit here and tolerate this bull shit, and I think the community at large is fed up with the bull shit too. Just sit down and do a fucking code, or add some lines to it for the Double XP Weekend or special deals or amenities in the shop with special atwar labels. Also redo the user interface, and don't listen to the fucking 10 people who are "experienced." Listen to the larger atwar population. The 10-30 people who are at the top are worthless fucking idiots, and they don't know better than the people who actually play this game.
---- Happiness = reality - expectations
30.11.2019 - 16:51
1) you can argue that about literally any map that exists 2) 100% is still kinda dumb considering people can just farm that to get to rank 10 easily like I've stated. Why play other games that give 1k sp after 24 turns when you can make one map and give every player 50 cities with 10 reinforcements each and 50k income and turn 1k sp in one turn? You really overshadow maps that deserve it and aren't made solely just to farm SP 3) It's not done by AI to begin with, the mods put SP multipliers on maps and they determine what maps get SP reduced 4) How exactly does that make map maker themselves play the game more because there's no SP reduction? If they enjoy their map and are happy with what they made they'd host it anyways. Just because it makes literally 75% sp isn't gonna discourage you from playing something you like