14.04.2015 - 05:02
Limit the number of players from the same coalition in a game. It´s absurd and annoying when you try to play a game and this one is full of players from the same coalition or suddenly they appear like flies and join 4 or 5 or 6 players from the same clan and ruin the game making secret allies and peaces, betrayers, etc
14.04.2015 - 05:10
Can you explain that? What´s the problem?
14.04.2015 - 05:18
I can explain that. This time I have laughed as never before. Loudness has broken the sound wall. There are already suggested many options and 'solutions' for stopping secret alliances and allyfags, but I have never seen someone wants to restrict players to play if they are from same coalition lol it is best to implement thing where games can be played only if host invites you in his game, because it is stupid when you annoy others by number of your allies *i have to mention to you I was sarcastic*
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14.04.2015 - 05:28
Cause you probably never saw it in a game like that, where you are picking and suddenly 6 members of the same clan join in the game. Which solutions are you talking about? Setting locked, FFA, etc? I know there are some kind of solutions but it´s the host who has to set them before starting. It´s as simple as if setting are not locked for example you can do nothing about that.
14.04.2015 - 07:19
Joining a coalition is, among other reasons, to have collective gaming experience. People like to play in groups and, actually, it is good this way. Whenever you see a bunch of players from the same clan - which rarely occurs - just take your chance or leave the game. Finally, don't pretend this happens all the time and that you really suffer from this "problem".
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14.04.2015 - 07:34
I know what you mean, but sadly, it happens everyday, sometimes like trolling and the most of them as a normal way to play. i don´t think collective gaming experience is fair when there is a 10 players game and 6 are from the same clan like it happens everyday in everygame with some coalitions. I´m not the person who is suffering this issue especially but there are a lot of players than suffers too, especially low ranks who get farmed and angry. Yes i normally up for leaving the game. It´s a suggestion for stoping this way of gaming and i think it´s positive.
14.04.2015 - 09:11
I think you're overreacting a bit... Anyhow, what if you wanted to play a game with your clanmates?? Or don't you like playing games with your own clanmates??
---- Don't ever look down on someone unless you're helping him up. Don't ever treat someone else the way you wouldn't want others to treat you. We're all people. ![]()
Soldier001 帳戶已刪除 |
14.04.2015 - 09:49 Soldier001 帳戶已刪除
LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL limit clanmates in each game ? wtf lmao, Support this ? hmmm..... NO ![]()
14.04.2015 - 12:44
Did u read the tittle of the issue? Set limits, not ban the posibility of clan mates in a game. I like to play with clan mates but something reasonable, i suposse even u don´t like 6 or 7 clan mates as enemies in the same game right? Would u honestly join in a game with 5 or 6 more clan mates for trolling it or farming the other players?
14.04.2015 - 12:46
Yes, why not? 3 for example is a reasonable number. What are u going to say? When u did the same reciently with your full clan for example in a game? ![]()
Soldier001 帳戶已刪除 |
14.04.2015 - 12:47 Soldier001 帳戶已刪除
okay, i didn't understand a word of that ![]()
14.04.2015 - 12:49
Did u understand the thread?
Soldier001 帳戶已刪除 |
14.04.2015 - 12:52 Soldier001 帳戶已刪除
yes, but i don't understand what you want to tell me ![]()
14.04.2015 - 12:53
I´m not overreacting it happens every day.
14.04.2015 - 12:56
That u don´t support right? And i told you that i didn´t expect a different answer from you, cause you and your clan did the same reciently in a game joining about 10 members in the same game already started and, of course most of the players, as i did, left to the game.
Soldier001 帳戶已刪除 |
14.04.2015 - 13:01 Soldier001 帳戶已刪除
10 members ? LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL, at least say realistic lies bro, maximum members online were 7 in shadow aces, including cthulhu (he afk 24/7). spread your lies elsewhere. ![]() ![]() ![]()
14.04.2015 - 14:13
Lying? Lol i remember perfectly that game. I said "about" 10 members, maybe 8 maybe 9 maybe 10 maybe 11 don´t know exactly but you were a lot, about that number, i remember incluse the players. You are the lier, shadow aces is so big, and actually for example, you are 8 on line. You joined about 9 or 10 players in that game. ![]() Why are u talking about cthulhu if you are about 30 members in the clan? Cthulhu was not in that game.
15.04.2015 - 05:02
I would, just to beat them with one of my clanmates or friends XD And sometimes I like to play 3 vs 3 or what ever kind of games with all my clanmates online, what if we are 6 or more players? ![]()
---- Don't ever look down on someone unless you're helping him up. Don't ever treat someone else the way you wouldn't want others to treat you. We're all people. ![]()
15.04.2015 - 05:12
I think u didn´t understand me. You are giving me the reason, you would join with "one" of your clan mates, but not with 6 or 7. Would u honestly join in a game with 5 or 6 more clan mates (you and your 5 or 6 clan mates) for trolling it or farming and betraying the other players? 3v3 it´s balanced and you are playing for fun only with the 6 clan members. or 3 different players vs you and your 2 clan members. 8 clan mates vs 3 players for farming or trolling and betraying it´s not balanced neither fair.
15.04.2015 - 05:20
Hormigaatomica i have learned for a long time by now that FFA, 0 alliance are impossible in at-war
---- Hi
15.04.2015 - 05:28
You're the one that doesn't understand me.... I WOULD JOIN A GAME WITH 6 OF YOUR CLANMATES WITH JUST ONE OF MY FRIENDS JUST TO DEFEAT YOU ALL!! Besides, I sometimes enjoy playing a game with my clanmates, but not as a team but as if we all were enemies. It's obvious that a game can't end up with 6 allies. And as I said.... we sometimes play 3 vs 3. If you're gonna make a limit of 5 people of the same clan, how are we suposed to play a 3 vs 3 ourselves (6 players involved)??? Pls, pay more attention to my words... I hate having to explain myself twice.
---- Don't ever look down on someone unless you're helping him up. Don't ever treat someone else the way you wouldn't want others to treat you. We're all people. ![]()
15.04.2015 - 05:29
Not impossible... but I agree that it's very hard....
---- Don't ever look down on someone unless you're helping him up. Don't ever treat someone else the way you wouldn't want others to treat you. We're all people. ![]()
15.04.2015 - 05:41
Me too. So if we can suggest ideas to reduce the posibilities of this issues i think could be positive.
15.04.2015 - 05:48
I understood perfectly what you said but, you didn´t put attention to my answer. I asked you one thing and you answered with another different. Would u honestly join in a game with a bunch of clan mates for trolling or farming? It´s simply: Yes or not. and u said I WOULD JOIN A GAME WITH 6 OF YOUR CLANMATES WITH JUST ONE OF MY FRIENDS JUST TO DEFEAT YOU ALL!! But you still didn´t answer my question. And i´m not talking to set limits in a 3v3 obviously, i´m talking in not team games. I hate too having to do the same question some times for getting a simple "yes" or "not". Necesitas que te lo explique en español?
15.04.2015 - 05:57
En serio no entiendes que eso es un si? En serio no lo entiendes? XD Macho, que comprensión lectora más profunda tienes XD
---- Don't ever look down on someone unless you're helping him up. Don't ever treat someone else the way you wouldn't want others to treat you. We're all people. ![]()
15.04.2015 - 06:17
Perdona Raúl, te lo voy a tener que explicar en español porque creo que sigues sin entenderme, y te estás pasando de la raya creo ya un poco con tus comentarios. El que creo que sigue sin entender nada de lo que estoy preguntando eres tú (y si me equivoco te pediré disculpas pero estoy cansado de estos comentarios) La pregunta es: ¿entrarías tú honestamente junto con otros 7 miembros de tu propia coalición, (mystics creo en este caso) en un juego de 10 jugadores para joder a los otros 2 o 3 jugadores? ES DECIR, 8 MYSTICS EN UN JUEGO DE 10 O 12 JUGADORES? ¿Lo entiendes ahora o no? Y tu respuesta es "SI", contestando una cosa totalmente fuera de contexto, es decir que entrarías con otro mystic a derrotar a los otro 8, ¿pero qué idiotez me estás contestando entonces? No estás contestando a mi pregunta todavía y dices que odias tener que explicarte varias veces? Joder pues te estás llevando la palma con esta pregunta haciendo que te la repita como por cuarta vez. Cuando entiendas la pregunta me contestas por favor, porque creo que podría ser subsanado, y al final deduzco que el que tiene la poca comprensión de lectura eres tú al menos según lo visto en esta conversación. Porque cuando acabes de comprenderla, según creo conocerte creo que tu respuesta sería un "NO".
15.04.2015 - 06:35
Would u honestly join in a game with a bunch of clan mates for trolling or farming? = Honestamente entrarias en una partida con un puñado de compañeros de clan para trolear o farmear? (En ningún momento dices que sean mis compañeros de clan, eso lo dejas en el aire. Se mas especifico e indica que son Mis compañeros.) Por otro lado, me jode un poco que creas que yo seria capaz de hacer semejante cosa, directamente daba por hecho que supondrias que no haria eso y ni me lo preguntarias. Cuando he entrado con compañeros es para aliarme con uno y luchar con los demas.
---- Don't ever look down on someone unless you're helping him up. Don't ever treat someone else the way you wouldn't want others to treat you. We're all people. ![]()
15.04.2015 - 06:53
Joder pues por eso mismo, te estaba preguntando hirónicamente porque sé que no lo harías y como no estabas entendiendo la pregunta te lo he intentado explicar, con esta, como por quinta vez, pero tú dale que dale encerrado en lo que estabas entendiendo y contestando fuera de lugar. Y no rebusques las frases que te lo volví a aclarar más tarde con esto de abajo y seguías sin entenderlo y diciendo que si me falta comprensión de lectura y que odias tener que repetir las cosas, pues en esta te has lucido macho. - I think u didn´t understand me. = creo que no me entendiste. - You are giving me the reason, you would join with "one" of your clan mates, but not with 6 or 7. === Me estás dando la razón, tú entrarías con "un único" miembro de tu clan para jugar o luchar contra esos otros (porque lo ves injusto o darles una lección o lo que sea), pero no lo harías con 6 o 7. - Would u honestly join in a game with 5 or 6 more clan mates (you and your 5 or 6 clan mates) for trolling it or farming and betraying the other players? = Entrarías tú honestamente en un juego con 5 o 6 más compañeros de clan (tú y tus 5 o 6 compañeros de clan) (¿es lo suficientemente específico?) para joder o arruinar el juego o abusar de los otros jugadores.....?
15.04.2015 - 12:17
I used to have this problem... then i realized most of the clans that do this aren't all that skilled, and so as you improve, you can defeat them by just being aware of them at the start, and expanding so they get in each others way... quite satisfying to defeat a pack ...
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