15.01.2014 - 15:39
This is a secret story that nobody of you know, other than some Mods. [cant't remember if it was pulse or Guest] Most of you must remember how last year atwar was getting DDOS all day, for a entire week, well back then there was a way to spy on the mod's forum and what would did i do? I went to the forum to see what was gonna happen, for my surprise the new direct IP of atwar was posted in BIG CAPS. So i decided to report the bug to mods (did before, but was generally ignore). and got the little badge for not leaking the ip. A TROUBLE PLAYER would have Leaked the IP to the guy that was using DDOS, i still have the ip in my browser history. but i am not a douche bag like few people in the moderation team.
---- Nothing to impede progress. If you want to see the fate of democracies, look out the windows.
15.01.2014 - 16:05
How many times has Tunder been banned now? He was on thin ice so whatever he did was going to draw attention, sad as it is he did something to piss a mod off, with previous it is no surprise he is banned again. Hate on mod x all you want its the players problem to behave if he has previous (even if not).
15.01.2014 - 16:08
last time i was banned for helping a guy while calling magic "dipshit" because he was trolling in the help forum. this time, i did nothing. NOTHING. i been keeping a low profile since my unban.
---- Nothing to impede progress. If you want to see the fate of democracies, look out the windows.
15.01.2014 - 16:12
Then you are wiser than Tunder.
15.01.2014 - 16:13
i am Tunder.
---- Nothing to impede progress. If you want to see the fate of democracies, look out the windows.
15.01.2014 - 16:15
Typical drone praising obedience and submission to authority no matter what. Nothing special here, let's move on.
---- The Most Feared Nazi Germany and SM Ukraine player in AW history. Retired ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]()
15.01.2014 - 16:16
Well mate, making posts to declare your innocence and show your good side won't help your cause. I don't have a clue what has happened neither do I care. Just fuggin apologise and come back, if that doesn't work then I dunno cry? But seriously petitioning is pointless in public.
15.01.2014 - 16:20
Sure on a gaming website there is NO POINT in constantly breaking rules and pushing peoples buttons. Making assumptions a little there mate, explain carefully to my drone mind what purpose this thread or any other complaining about mods decisions has? To draw attention and get a mob behind you? To make him unban you? To name and shame? Sorry I just don't get it.
15.01.2014 - 16:20
This will not go unpunished. Expect us facists 0,0
---- ![]() We are not the same- I am a Martian.
15.01.2014 - 16:21
I don't need to prove my innocence, since i am innocent. He should be trying to prove that i did wrong, but he can't, he dosn't even want to provide me with the reason, i already asked him twice and he still refuses to tell me why he banned me, how can i improve if i don't know what went wrong?, in fact this whole ban thing may be a product of a moderation mistake. The only thing that i can do is to raise awareness of the problem until it gets solve. or tell everybody how to teleport units.
---- Nothing to impede progress. If you want to see the fate of democracies, look out the windows.
15.01.2014 - 16:26
The issue is not you raising awareness if you do it through the right channels. Publicly sounding him out actually works against you, all that does is make other people mad and jump on the bandwagon of hate making a minor issue a major one. Talk to another mod if he is ignoring you (which he shouldn't) but ya do it the right way you will have better results.
15.01.2014 - 22:49
Damn. Let me just say I haven't played in a while because a few months ago I swore I'd never play AW again as long as VRIL was a moderator. Actually let me say one more thing. Will people please stop complaining about "mods" when they really mean VRIL. All the other mods here (with the exception of inactivity) are doing a fine job. Thnx.
---- He always runs while others walk. He acts while other men just talk. He looks at this world and wants it all. So he strikes like Thunderball.
16.01.2014 - 10:12
This indifference is killing me. Everyone saying oh so sorry in the off-topic thread, but let's be real here, if you really cared, you'd make much more noise. When something bad happens to one of us everyone else is indifferent. We look in the other direction and pretend everything's ok. This is why we will always be weak. Ruled by the few. Sheep. When shit happens, it's time to speak. In a week, a month, or a year, it might happen to you, and you will wish someone else will care. Taking advantage of everyone else's indifference. This is how he gets us. Being interested in someone else's unfair punishment is being interested in YOURSELF. We must stop the secrecy and abuse around the permabanning of players, and demand proof. The only hope lies in solidarity The Strength in Our Numbers sets us Free
---- The Most Feared Nazi Germany and SM Ukraine player in AW history. Retired ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]()
Black Hole 帳戶已刪除 |
16.01.2014 - 12:00 Black Hole 帳戶已刪除
16.01.2014 - 14:17
Hello, my name is Gardevoir, and I have bullshitted my way out of three permab&s, a 9000-year mute, and various IP bans. From experience, I can say that there is no such thing as a permanent ban, as you can just apologize for whatever great deed to humanity you happened to do, pretend you're a good little Goy, and continue playing for Viva le Revolution? No. Viva le Unity.
16.01.2014 - 14:26
a noble sentiment, but a naive one, self belief and faith wont attract big numbers. you'd expect to hear these sort of views from a priest lol personally im quite happy with this game as it is, i like the smaller close knit community. id like the player numbers to increase a bit, to the point where even at the lowest point in the day, the minimum player count in the lobby is 100 so thered be lots of games being played and active clans and the like. do i believe this game has the potential to achieve that? easily. butthere will never be millions, this is a niche type of game. i certainly believe it would attract much larger numbers with a decent advertising campaign, but not millions, not starcraft numbers or anything like that.
---- ![]()
16.01.2014 - 14:34
Naive? Not in the slightest. They also said First-Person Shooters were Niche games, as were MMOs, Platformers...every genre. If this game can be great enough, it will attract the crowds. Having a small community has proven terrible to me, as it's now boiled down to a group of illiterate faggots, your casual troll, and Da Poliec.
16.01.2014 - 15:48
Yes, I bet the crowds like you call them can't wait to get here and get some of this ![]()
---- The Most Feared Nazi Germany and SM Ukraine player in AW history. Retired ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]()
16.01.2014 - 23:15
Saw them live on Sunday unleashed^^^^ back on topic. fairly sure srb were the first to discover the ability to view forums you shouldn't. we were also the first to discover you could quote a forum message to view it's content even if you couldn't view the message normally you could do it through changing the URL. we also discovered you could post in a forum you weren't allowed to view by hitting create new topic and they changing the forum I'd in the URL. I then discovered you could view pm's the same way, yup, I had the ability to view everyone's pm's in this game. But I didn't, as that is an invasion of privacy. I reported all the glitches to Ivan and he fixed them. even so. having a good past does not make you immune to ban for your actions in the future if you murder someone and tell the judge you helped an old lady across the street the other day would they let you off? you broke the rules, you will be punished, it is that simple, now stop being so childish.
Black Hole 帳戶已刪除 |
17.01.2014 - 01:57 Black Hole 帳戶已刪除 Except Tunder didn't do the AW equivalent of murder I believe and he did more than help an old lady. This message is burning me.
JusticeAboveAll 帳戶已刪除 |
17.01.2014 - 09:16 JusticeAboveAll 帳戶已刪除
I don't have a problem with punishment for offenders, but one dosn't sentence a person to death just because he was paiting graffiti in the street. The way vril enforces punishment is absurd, i haven't ever got a warning by him. It all goes straight to perma ban or a month mute. While the punishment of all the other mods combined accomulates into a 3 week ban, and it was reduced to 2 for good conduct. Did you see me complain about meesters ban? No. Did you see me complain when pulse banned me in forum for 3 days? No. Did you see me complain when spart give me a random warning for the lolz? No. Why? Because the punishments are fair or where for the lolz. I did complain when ctulhu muted me and gave me a warnings, for the mere fact that i told him to "go away". All i asked was for it to be removed because i knew this would happen. Vril gives 0 fucks what was the reason for the warnings (even self requested ones) and uses them as an excuse to ban me. Why vril is the only mod insiting in perma banning me? Why haven't i ever been ban before by other mods? Because i am harmless. All i do is small stuff like using bad words in room chat and go off-topic(no i don't insult people) in global chat.
17.01.2014 - 15:20
You got ban for being the trouble player of the month were all ur warnings and bans count to gether
---- ![]()
JusticeAboveAll 帳戶已刪除 |
17.01.2014 - 15:37 JusticeAboveAll 帳戶已刪除
8 warnings. 2 that didn't break any rule. 1 for happy 2014. 1 for a mute for player request. (Still waiting for a log, to verify this one). There, now stop trash talking unless you have proof or a source, because i been backing my claims.
18.01.2014 - 01:54
>get banned for promoting Fascism >claims mods are Fascists Get a grip, son.
18.01.2014 - 11:24
Translated into English: "I'm better than all of you, I'm such a good person, I'm a much nicer person, bask in my glory, I am better, wow".
19.01.2014 - 02:30
1. I was just making an extreme example of how your past goods will not balance out your future bads, as the events are mutually exclusive. 2.Gardevoirr. I really couldn't care less what people think of me, I just say what I feel and in this case I feel it is just another buthurt faggot who wants to rebel against mods. Anyone with any sense knows if he hadn't gotten himself into trouble this couldn't be happening right now.
19.01.2014 - 05:08
Don't worry, they are all locked now except for this one. You keep repeating "mods". Once again I have to say, there's nothing wrong with the mods as a whole, all these threads are mostly about vril. If you are clueless, it's best to shut the fuck up.
---- The Most Feared Nazi Germany and SM Ukraine player in AW history. Retired ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]()
Black Hole 帳戶已刪除 |
19.01.2014 - 05:38 Black Hole 帳戶已刪除 How could we know if he's a faggot if we don't know the damn reason? Did the Admins also approve perma-ban?
19.01.2014 - 11:30
You used to be opposed this type of faggotry, what the fuck happened mate?