02.08.2012 - 21:10
The helicopter icon not image, has a little plane on it like air transports/bombers/stealths. It should be a helicopter.
---- Don't trust the manipulative rabbit.
03.08.2012 - 04:44
Yes tophats have right not only helicopter also air transports/bombers/stealths/sentry plane must have difrent look samethimes iam confused after long time play they all have same little plane icon units like sentry plane and stealths have same icon militia and inflantry also its not a big problem but after long time playing iam confused
---- ![]()
03.08.2012 - 04:46
Also, we need custom Icons!
---- I dont understand why people says that Full Package is too expensive: http://imageshack.us/a/img854/6531/fzhd.png "I... Feel a little dead inside" -Gardevoir
04.08.2012 - 02:58
I don't think a tiny helicopter icon would hurt. I've gotten annoyed by the same thing, since helicopters aren't really planes. We have icons for foot soldiers, tanks, ships, and planes, which apply to all common units except the helicopter. Not a huge priority, but it does bug me a little.
---- "If in other sciences we are to arrive at certainty without doubt and truth without error, it behooves us to place the foundations of knowledge in mathematics." -The Opus Major of Roger Bacon