18.03.2014 - 18:41
If a unit is attacking a city on the other side of the no-go zone, it is allowed to cross. City does not have to be close to the zone, just has to be in the unit's move range. Additionally once made, no-go zones can't be selected to be removed.
18.03.2014 - 18:52
I was having a similar problem with my map. I created only one no-go zone. After I first made this zone, I saved it and left to play a game. When I came back, a country not even near the no-go zone had become a no-go zone. Somehow that country had become a no-go zone and the real no-go zone could not be deleted without deleting the country. The country couldn't be made a country again without deleting both the country and the no-go zone. I ended up having to remake both the no-go zone, which had extensive borders, and the country. Quite annoying.
---- "Riddle me this, Riddle me that...?" - The Riddler ![]() ![]()