06.01.2014 - 15:36
Only been playing a week so still learning the style of this game a few things trouble me( especially since everybody seems to be in such a huge rush to go) 1 like certain places trying to land/attack from transports example 1st round from turkey to greece capital - the map barely will get to it and its hard to get it to the "attack symbol " quickly 2 is there anywhere ingame to find out who is allied with who-besides just who im allied with? 3 when the proposed alliance scrreen pops up - the map cant be moved to see where this other guy is located? i like to decide allys from where they are on the map but the screen seems frozen on that
06.01.2014 - 16:46
1. Be patient. It works. It is usually fast. 2. Click Players tab, Click diplomacy. Wallah! 3. Click the "-" button on your mini map to zoom out while a screen appears.
---- It's not the end. ![]()