==Day 3 of Congress==
The russian delegation led by Tsar Alexander has failed to find support for its motion, Item 2 now passes to the prussian delegation to propose
Deal of item 2
alright so final deal is Danzig, Torun, Ponzan, Bialystok to prussia,
Warsaw, Krakow, Lodz to austria,
60/40 split in prussian favour,
Russian Finland
vote aye
Aye. I will vote for Russian Holy Alliance if above deal is passed.
Someone Better Than You
Current pts
1. France (100 pts)
2. Russia (30 pts)
3. UK (20 pts)
King Frederick William III Prussia 's proposal is laid before the Congress:
Item 2: The territorial settlement of Saxony and the Grand Duchy of Warsaw
In the case of the former Grand Duchy, each area (Gdansk,Poznan,Torun,Warsaw,Bialystok,Lodz,Krakow) may be:
Poznan put under Prussian control (Prussia +30pts ea)
Torun put under Prussian control (Prussia +30pts ea)
Warsaw put under Prussian control (Austria +30pts)
Bialystok put under Prussian control (Prussia +30pts ea)
Krakow put under Austrian control (Austria +30pts)
Lodz put under Austrian control (Austria +30pts)
Danzig put under Prussian control (Prussia +30pts ea)
In the case of the Kingdom of Saxony, the Kingdom is worth 100 points in total. It can be split into 10 pt parts between Austria (who wishes Saxony to be under a King loyal to them) or Prussia (annexed as a province)
60% of Saxony is to be annexed to Prussia (Prussia +60pts ea)
40% of Saxony is to remain as an Independent Kingdom (Austria +40 pts)
Russia lays claim to Finland
Ceded to Russia (Russia +40pts ), UK -20 pts,
Veto Clause
Russia, Prussia or Austria may veto the entire proposal if they are alone vs the other two and have the support of one other major power
If the Russian motion is not carried when a vote is taken the Prussian delegation will be offered to propose an alternative.
If this Prussian motion is not carried, the Austrian delegation leader to propose a motion, which must fulfill the same conditions as the other before it can be passed.
If at least two of the motions failed because Russia, Prussia or Austria voted against them/vetoed, then Russia, Prussia and Austria must deduct 20 points each from their scores. The voting procedure outlined above is repeated and if no proposal is carried the same penalty may be imposed again. It should be clear that continued deadlock over the Polish and Saxon issues will so penalize Russia, Prussia and Austria that they cannot possibly win the Congress. If other powers are responsible for a dead lock, no penalty is inflicted.
Aye (7 votes)
King Frederick William III of Prussia
Prince Clemens von Metternich of Austria
Viscount Castlereagh of Great Britain
Nay (4 votes)
Tsar Alexander I of Russia
Vetoed by Russia
==Day 4 of Congress==
The prussian delegation led by King Frederick William III of Prussia has failed to find support for its motion, Item 2 now passes to the austrian delegation to propose
Metternich 's proposal is laid before the Congress:
Item 2: The territorial settlement of Saxony and the Grand Duchy of Warsaw
In the case of the former Grand Duchy, each area (Gdansk,Poznan,Torun,Warsaw,Bialystok,Lodz,Krakow) may be:
Poznan put under Prussian control (Prussia +30pts )
Torun put under Russian control (Russia +30pts )
Warsaw put under Russian control(Russia +30pts )
Bialystok put under Russian control (Russia +30pts )
Krakow put under Austrian control (Austria +30pts)
Lodz put under Austrian control (Austria +30pts)
Danzig put under Prussian control (Prussia +30pts )
In the case of the Kingdom of Saxony, the Kingdom is worth 100 points in total. It can be split into 10 pt parts between Austria (who wishes Saxony to be under a King loyal to them) or Prussia (annexed as a province)
70% of Saxony is to be annexed to Prussia (Prussia +70pts ea)
30% of Saxony is to remain as an Independent Kingdom (Austria +30 pts)
Russia lays claim to Finland
Ceded to Russia (Russia +40pts ), UK -20 pts,
Veto Clause
Russia, Prussia or Austria may veto the entire proposal if they are alone vs the other two and have the support of one other major power
If the Russian motion is not carried when a vote is taken the Prussian delegation will be offered to propose an alternative.
If this Prussian motion is not carried, the Austrian delegation leader to propose a motion, which must fulfill the same conditions as the other before it can be passed.
If at least two of the motions failed because Russia, Prussia or Austria voted against them/vetoed, then Russia, Prussia and Austria must deduct 20 points each from their scores. The voting procedure outlined above is repeated and if no proposal is carried the same penalty may be imposed again. It should be clear that continued deadlock over the Polish and Saxon issues will so penalize Russia, Prussia and Austria that they cannot possibly win the Congress. If other powers are responsible for a dead lock, no penalty is inflicted.
Aye (8 votes)
Prince Clemens von Metternich of Austria
King Frederick William III of Prussia
Tsar Alexander I of Russia
Viscount Castlereagh
Nay (0 votes)
Marquis De Talleyrand
Item 3.
UK takes everything available to it. Prussia takes everything available after this (except swede clay)
Switzerland's liberty enshrined in stone.
Pretty simple
Current pts
1. Russia (160 pts)
2. Prussia (130 pts
3. France (100 pts)
4. Austria (90 pts)
5. UK (0 pts)
Item 3:The territorial settlement of North and West Germany
The Chairman first calls upon the British delegation's leader to propose a motion concerning these regions;
Oldenburg, Munster, Mecklenburg and Hanover, each area may be:
Hanover(UK+20 pts)
Oldenburg(UK+10 pts)
Mecklenburg (UK+10 pts)
Hanover(UK+10 pts)
For Hesse, Thuringia, and Franconia there are only two possibilities - they may be:
Hesse (Prussia +10 pts )
Thuringia (Prussia +10 pts )
Franconia (Prussia +10 pts )
Swedish Pomerania:
b. Remains with Sweden
The Rhineland
a. Granted to Prussia(Prussia +40 pts )
Status of Switzerland:
a. Swiss Neutrality Guranteed by all
Veto Clause
Britain, France and Prussia may veto the entire proposal if they are alone vs the other two and have the support of one other major power
If the British motion is not carried when a vote is taken, the Chairman calls on the leader of the French delegation to propose an alternative.
If this French motion is not carried, the Chairman calls on the Prussian delegation leader to propose a motion, which must fulfill the same conditions as the other before it can be passed.
If all three motions are defeated the Congress reverts back to informal negotiation for a period determined by the Chairman. If at least two of the motions failed because Britain, France and Prussia voted against them, then Britain, France and Prussia must deduct 20 points each from their scores, and it is repeated.
Aye (7 votes)
Prince Clemens von Metternich of Austria
King Frederick William III of Prussia
Viscount Castlereagh
Nay (2 votes)
Marquis De Talleyrand
Tsar Alexander I of Russia
Vetoed by France
Someone Better Than You
==Day 6 of Congress==
The british delegation led by Viscount Castlereagh has failed to find support for its motion, Item 3 now passes to the french delegation to propose
Item 3:The territorial settlement of North and West Germany
The Chairman first calls upon the French delegation's leader to propose a motion concerning these regions;
Oldenburg, Munster, Mecklenburg and Hanover, each area may be:
Hanover(UK+20 pts)
Oldenburg(UK+10 pts)
Mecklenburg (UK+10 pts)
Munster(UK+10 pts)
For Hesse, Thuringia, and Franconia there are only two possibilities - they may be:
Hesse (Prussia +10 pts )
Thuringia (Prussia +10 pts )
Franconia (Prussia +10 pts )
Swedish Pomerania:
b. Remains with Sweden
The Rhineland
b. Granted to France(France+40 pts )
Status of Switzerland:
b. Part of France (France+20 pts )
Veto Clause
Britain, France and Prussia may veto the entire proposal if they have the support of one other major power
If the British motion is not carried when a vote is taken, the Chairman calls on the leader of the French delegation to propose an alternative.
If this French motion is not carried, the Chairman calls on the Prussian delegation leader to propose a motion, which must fulfill the same conditions as the other before it can be passed.
If all three motions are defeated the Congress reverts back to informal negotiation for a period determined by the Chairman. If at least two of the motions failed because Britain, France and Prussia voted against them, then Britain, France and Prussia must deduct 20 points each from their scores, and it is repeated.
Aye (6 votes)
Marquis De Talleyrand
Tsar Alexander I of Russia
Nay (7 votes)
Prince Clemens von Metternich of Austria
King Frederick William III of Prussia
Viscount Castlereagh
I will consider giving Swiss to France but not Rhineland too. Pick one max.
Someone Better Than You
==Day 7 of Congress==
The french delegation led by Marquis De Talleyrand has failed to find support for its motion, Item 3 now passes to the prussian delegation to propose
Item 3:The territorial settlement of North and West Germany
The Chairman first calls upon the Prussian delegation's leader to propose a motion concerning these regions;
Oldenburg, Munster, Mecklenburg and Hanover, each area may be:
Hanover(UK+20 pts)
Oldenburg(UK+10 pts)
Mecklenburg (UK+10 pts)
Munster(UK+10 pts)
For Hesse, Thuringia, and Franconia there are only two possibilities - they may be:
Hesse (Prussia +10 pts )
Thuringia (Prussia +10 pts )
Franconia (Prussia +10 pts )
Swedish Pomerania:
b. Remains with Sweden
The Rhineland
b. Granted to Prussia(Prussia +40 pts )
Status of Switzerland:
b. Part of France (France+20 pts )
Veto Clause
Britain, France and Prussia may veto the entire proposal if they have the support of one other major power
If the British motion is not carried when a vote is taken, the Chairman calls on the leader of the French delegation to propose an alternative.
If this French motion is not carried, the Chairman calls on the Prussian delegation leader to propose a motion, which must fulfill the same conditions as the other before it can be passed.
If all three motions are defeated the Congress reverts back to informal negotiation for a period determined by the Chairman. If at least two of the motions failed because Britain, France and Prussia voted against them, then Britain, France and Prussia must deduct 20 points each from their scores, and it is repeated.
Aye (13 votes)
King Frederick William III of Prussia
Marquis De Talleyrand
Prince Clemens von Metternich of Austria
Tsar Alexander I
Viscount Castlereagh
Nay (0 votes)
Rhineland is French...
For now i abstain, if both parties reached a compromise i vote aye
Rhineland is French...
its not
Someone Better Than You
==Day 8 of Congress==
The congress moves to Item 4, concerning the restructuring of Italy