07.04.2020 - 13:30 ![]() = = = APRIL 7TH, 2020 = = = In this post, I will recognize ten players who I believe should be recognized for their effort in actually trying to be "the best". Do note I did not interview anyone, but this is rather mostly what I have viewed, and what I have discussed with others about. So.. these are the best players in the season thus far, ranked: 1) Eagle - Member of Mortal Kombat For a long time, Mortal Kombat has always aimed to be one of, if not the most elite clan each season; even if they don't come in first place. Eagle is a large part of why they are able to be like this, Eagle is not only the best player here, but he is currently first for our current Dueling season as well. Eagle alone, even if his main partner, Mauzer Panteri, dies he can 1v3. All he needs is to be given that chance to take some land, build walls, and given some funds. Eagle isn't just good in one pick either, though his strong suit being Turkey in EU+, he is able to play pretty much any pick and be able to play as if he was playing his favorite pick. Players like Eagle know exactly what and how their going play, and deal with what they have; If there is an example the community should follow if they want to play better, it is our local bird, Eagle. 2) Huarck - Member of Order of The Emperor Huarck, just like Eagle, if given the chance can be a real pain in the butt. Huarck's strong suit is Turkey as well. However, he is also able to play other picks and is generally good in all of them, except he lacks the experience in them as he doesn't play them as often as he should. Huarck is ranked #2 not because he is good in picks, but because he understands what his opponents are going to do, and as a result he knows where to send his units. A prime example of this was his last CW with Peaky Blinders where his teammate died early and he was able to 1v2 Lelouch. (who basically had full west) and G.R.O.M (who had most of his Ukrainian expansion); he was able to defeat both of these players because his teammates were able to set him up with what resources they had by taking the enemies cities, wfing, and in general clearing a path for him. As a result, Huarck was able to take advantage of this and knew exactly what to do. 3) Froyer - Member of Cynical Froyer has progressed a ton since last season, in many cases carrying his team to victory. Just as the players above, Froyer is able to deal with what he has. Froyer is #3 because even though he can do what the others above can do, he depends on his team too much. This is a prime example in his 3v3s where he and his teammates gang up on the enemy and ultimately focus on blocking one of the enemy team members in. This is how they are able to be victorious; their playstyle is different, though it depends more on their teammates, Froyer knows how to deal with those situations because the opposing team isn't usually in them vs. other clans. 4) Same - Member of Excelsis Same is another player that has progressed a ton this season, even surpassing Mauzer Panteri. He has played more CWs than most this season thus far, and has proven he is a player to be reckoned with. Not only this, Same comes from multiple clans; starting in Order of The Emperor and then coming to Excelsis brings a lot of experience and knowledge to a player as they play with different teams, so they know the ins and outs of some teams and the teams they played against with them. Same is #4 because he cannot be who he is without help, though he does have a lot of knowledge of expansions, playstyles, and other such things; he cannot do that without the help of his team. On top of this, Same does not have as much experience as the others above him. 5) Mauzer Panteri - Member of Mortal Kombat Mauzer Panteri, though is an elite player in general, has actually decreased in skill this season. He is constantly dying and making his partners, such as Eagle, carry him in a Clan War. However, just because he is like this does not mean he is bad. This just means he understands the strength of his partner and will clear a path for him to take, even if it means he will lose. Being a good player doesn't always mean you have the skills, but you also have the knowledge and experience that will make you win, as you know what you're doing. Thus, because of this, Mauzer Panteri is #5. 6) Cold Case - Member of Order of The Emperor Cold Case recently just won the Punisher 2.0, where a lot of his own skills were used. This is a prime example of how he works in CWs, he knows what he's doing and in general, doesn't really need his teammates to clear a path; as he will clear his own path. This should make him a higher ranking, however, Cold Case isn't able to be like Eagle or Huarck and take on three players at once, consistently. Cold Case also isn't as experienced in some picks as the above are, and as a result, he depends on his team more in them. Thus, gets placed #6. 7) Mecoy - Member of Order of The Emperor Mecoy largely hasn't been as active as he has been in the past when it comes to Clan Wars, and as a result, it has worn on his ranking. Mecoy is a prime example that you need to regularly keep playing in order to stay good; Though Mecoy has the knowledge and good playstyles in picks, he no longer has the experience he once had. Each season is different in playstyles, as almost every time clans switch up their teams which causes them to do different things; Mecoy has yet to face these different teams regularly as Froyer and Huarck have. Thus, Mecoy is #7. 8) Lelouch. - Member of Peaky Blinders Lelouch is widely known for training with Witch Doctor, which if you like it or not, is probably one of the best players in AW. As a result of doing this, he was able to progress himself and take advantage of what his trainer taught him; and applied this to specific picks such as the United Kingdom and Germany. However, just as with other players above Lelouch, he mainly is good in a few picks; and specifically in the West as the United Kingdom. This leaves him without a vast amount of knowledge that he would find in playing east countries such as Turkey and Ukraine. On top of this, this leaves a dependency on his teammates. Until Lelouch goes out of his comfort zone and gets the experience from playing in things he doesn't know, he will never progress to a higher rank as someone else is always willing to do what he will not. This is why Lelouch places #8. 9) BeSerok - Member of Mystics BeSerok has made this list because he has not only improved himself, but he has proven to us that Mystics is a force to reckon with. He is involved in most of their CWs, and just as the others in this list, if given a chance, can be a real bothersome. He isn't limited to West or East either; he is able to play on both sides. Though, because he lacks experience (a lot of it), he doesn't exactly know what he is doing with what he has; as a cause of this, it makes him question himself more, create dependencies, and as a result, he ends up losing more often than he should. 10) Dominoz. - Member of Aristokrats Dominoz has, for a few seasons, been one of the most elite players. However Dominoz this season isn't nearly as good as the past seasons because he gives his playstyle away; which isn't a bad thing. But as a result people then know how to counter him, and because of that he needs to develop a different playstyle. Dominoz also hasn't played as often as he should this season to develop those things he needs in order to upkeep his position. Thus, Dominoz comes in at #10. Honorable Mentions ● Kaska ● Domo ● Don ● Zone ● LukeTan ● Karlo13 ● Dopey1122 ● Lion Sin Escanor ● Crow ● SLAVIN ● Laochra ● Xenomega ● Roma Invicta All editing done by Alois
07.04.2020 - 14:00
Said by random noob who never won cw or duel. Who doesnt knew how to play this game, but you can insult, becouse you dont like me. Nvm im top 5, and you are "head" supporter, so all can be happy.
Good, i said what i think, too.
---- ![]() http://atwar-game.com/forum/topic.php?topic_id=14714&topicsearch=&page= ![]()
07.04.2020 - 14:03
wtf.. I dont hate you LOL.. none of this was an insult, it was my in general view of whats happened. Stop being so salty D
07.04.2020 - 15:05
Even if i dont really like him, this is not true at all Alois..
07.04.2020 - 15:40
This is what i've observed in most of their CWs so far. It's based on that. Every season is different, and this post doesn't take into picture every other season. Just this season.
07.04.2020 - 15:48
Last 3 cw's that i watched, mauzer was op and he was the one who carried.. Maybe in some cw's he is dying, but he is taking his opponent with him..
07.04.2020 - 15:51
Mauz actually became better and raped me few games in 1n1 lategame west vs east, but sometimes he throws, that's mauz problem he's a bit retarded not his fault . I think he should be 4th and same 5th but its my thought.
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07.04.2020 - 15:53
---- ''Everywhere where i am absent, they commit nothing but follies'' ~Napoleon ![]()
07.04.2020 - 16:00
---- ![]() http://atwar-game.com/forum/topic.php?topic_id=14714&topicsearch=&page= ![]()
07.04.2020 - 17:34
Not even a mention damn
---- Lest we forget Moja Bosna Ponosna
07.04.2020 - 17:47
Why though.. This will only increase the never ending circlejerk this game has been facing for a looooooong ass time.
07.04.2020 - 17:55
sure, it adds to ego; but it also creates competition and diversity ![]()
07.04.2020 - 18:30
Dont mind waff, hes just mad he never makes any top player lists. Do a top cheerleader and crythread report next time. ![]()
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07.04.2020 - 19:38
I don't try to bash this thread, and I do appreciate the efforts you are putting in doing this kind of stuff, but you cannot put a rewaller as second best player in coalition wars. It is ridiculous and gives bad example. Rest is somewhat acceptable... hope next will be more detailed and without unfair player(s) on the list. Btw, Mauzer is doing amazing jobs in cws.
07.04.2020 - 22:44
Well I've won more and played more CW's than Lelouch not just this season but in general, he isn't even a regular for PeakyBlinders but because I had a "falling out" with Alois I'm disregarded despite my efforts of holding down an active clan with mostly 1 other teammate. This thread was a nice idea but completely bias and not very realistic.
---- Lest we forget Moja Bosna Ponosna
07.04.2020 - 22:54
even though huarck plays dirty whenever he can , its unreasonable to say he isnt a dominate presence in the cw scene which this post is about
08.04.2020 - 01:37
Why do you think I keep you out of everything because I had a fight with you? Zzz I didnt add you in the top 10 because you dont stack up to the people on the top 10, you lack things they have; but that doesnt make you a bad player, we know you're good. Honorable mentions, sure i could have mentioned you, I could do that right now but that list is already long as it is; and let's be honest you arent exactly an active cwer like lelouch either. which gives you a disadvantage in these lists. If you want I could have probably written an essay on why I put each player in where I did and why some others didnt get it, but that would make the post so long and boring only our hardcore member base would want to read it. I plan on doing more posts related to the CW scene and hopefully I'll be "less biased" though I think I've done a decent job thus far by watching games and paying attention to what's happening in clans.
08.04.2020 - 04:40
^ Exactly my point being made
Shut up, D-lister ![]()
08.04.2020 - 04:57
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08.04.2020 - 09:10
He's literally done next to nothing this season, even you have been more impactful this season than he has... to pick him over someone like Domo who has been a staple point for his clan or even me for the immortals... big bias.
---- Lest we forget Moja Bosna Ponosna
08.04.2020 - 14:24
08.04.2020 - 14:55
Ok let me put it in perspective for you: Players like Domo, and yourself can be beaten by players like myself- In CWs. I've proven this point in games vs you guys, and many have watched that happen; many can agree it is like this. Players like Lelouch need to be gangbanged if they aren't vsing a good player. In most situations, clans like mine target them first because we know if they aren't taken out they will be their teams game-winner. You do not have those capabilities if you like it or not.
08.04.2020 - 14:56
scenario? What are scenarios? I don't recall them being part of atwar in any sort of distinction, because obviously the only map you must ever play is EU+.
08.04.2020 - 16:20
BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA get the fuck outta here with that bullshit
---- Lest we forget Moja Bosna Ponosna
08.04.2020 - 16:23
08.04.2020 - 20:43
Fake news. Same's home was always at apple/excelsis. He just joined (two) different clans while he waited for my atWar prison sentence to end ![]()
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