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發表從 Scandinator, 21.03.2012 - 23:29
Lost a third game due to this
i didnt get hit by countering moves
five stacks went to retake cap and only one actually did
not to mention the countless other moves that never went
until this is fixed im not gonna play another game...
and forget about me buying afterwind

it was my favourite game but losing like this just sucks
10.05.2012 - 08:09
Ok I couldn't screen shot it because this happened randomly throughout yesterday but it fits in this category. So basically I was doing my normal playing as Jamaica and once I finished all my moves I DC'd for about 15 seconds and when I came back to the game everything looked normal. Then the turn started and the system said I attacked the cities I chose to attack but once I hit the "Start Turn" button I say that my units just went beside the cities and never took them. It happened about 6 times yesterday to me but does anyone else get this bug?
I like stuff.... Yay?
16.05.2012 - 12:46
Yup I have mostly the same problem.
Attacking units dont actually attack.

I end turn, leave, and when I go back to the game to check my units, they simply hover over the city they were attacking and when the turn starts they simply sit next to the city they were meant to attack. Some units dont even move even tho they showed that they would before the turn ended.

This is happening in about every casual game i play now and its ruining my gaming experience.
I have had this problem before with another account.
Is there any word on a solution?
It really blows
It makes playing the game feel like this
16.05.2012 - 12:51
Noone (from the officals) answers here so it seems to be the only way to make your Moves again and again and again and hope the game saves them before the turn ends or dont play casuals
16.05.2012 - 20:47
Wait, so you need to just keep trying over and over again untill it sticks? can they fix it in an update or somthing?

作者: Tzeentch, 16.05.2012 at 12:51

Noone (from the officals) answers here so it seems to be the only way to make your Moves again and again and again and hope the game saves them before the turn ends or dont play casuals
16.05.2012 - 20:52
Does this work? Just tryed it five times and nothing. dont want to waist my time
17.05.2012 - 00:09
Sometimes it works, sometimes it dont.

Of cause they can fix it, but first they had to find it
01.06.2012 - 03:23
 Amok (管理員)
作者: Tzeentch, 01.06.2012 at 00:51


Few questions:
1. Does it happen every time ? If not, then how often?
2. Does it happen only when you use 'save' button after ending your turn?
3. Does none of the orders go throught or just some?
4. How difficult would it be for you to reproduce this problem, in a test game ?

01.06.2012 - 03:43
1. Not everytime, i would say ca 10% of the moves (mostly when dividing a stack or leaving a Transporst/sub). Some Games run without this Bug, some have it just 1-2 times and others permenant (if this happens 2-3 times in the beginning of a game i usually leave, because the expansion is ruined)

2. It happens when i end the turn, leaving the game to lobby, go back to the game and some orders are not acepted. If possible i try again and save, sometimes its not possible to retry (for example when the Troops are still in the Transporter insteat landing and his movement is used)

3. I have the feeling that it happens mostly when stacks are divided, i mean leaving Transports or trying to take more smaller stacks out of a bigger one. Normal movement seems to work normal

4. If we play a 3-4 casual test games it should happens sooner or later. If i would know how to repruduce it exectly, i would avoid it.

btw sry for getting on your nervs, but sometimes this bug is frustrating.
I hope i can help with my answer


a good example, as you can see i try to take Tokio, and i send the tranport to the Coast of Japan, and there the Marines to Tokio and the transport returns to South Korea. at last i ended my turn. Now i came back, and my marines are still in the tranport. I have Luck they are close to the coast so they will reach tokio from there too (the actual screen)
01.06.2012 - 05:22
 Amok (管理員)
Thanks for the detailed explanation, it really helps. I'll see what I can do about it.
In the mean time, I would suggest not to use the save button if you see that there's problems with your moves when you come back to the game. When you just use end turn, you shouldn't have any problems. Even when you come back to the game and see that some of the moves are wrong - that probably means that they're all fine, just not displayed correctly. BUT, if you use the save button after that, then it will override the moves that you submitted previously using the 'end turn' and can screw up some of them.
So, to sum it up, be careful when using 'save' button after leaving the game and then coming back. You can still use it freely if you haven't left, though. Hope this helps.
01.06.2012 - 20:14
I too have encountered the problem it usually happens when either of the following is true:

1- My turn times out
2- I end my turn very early (1min+ before timeout) and do not make and save anymore turns

I cannot fix running out of time, but have noticed when ending turn early the problem does not occur if I wait until there is around 30 seconds left and then move a unit to force the save button to appear and then save the movement. I then move the troop back because I didn't really want to move them anyway.

Another thing that I have noticed when the problem is occurring is that my timer is off by 20+ seconds, it says there are at 20+ seconds when the timeout occurs. So perhaps my client is not uploading my movements in time for the end of turn calculations to occur. Out of interest are the turns submitted back to the server in a batch at the end of turn, or with each move that I make?
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