mike97801 帳戶已刪除 |
23.01.2013 - 18:46 mike97801 帳戶已刪除
So, i played through kongregate for the longest time, but now it seems as i can no longer acess the game through that way, and i can no longer log in on this site with my username and password, i spent lots of time on this account as was rank 7 about to be 8, i spent a while building up to this level and i will do whatever is needed to get it back, if i have to make another account and you can just give it SP that would be fine, but i wont waste my time starting back from rank 0 having to buy all the SP upgrades again, even if you just give me enough to be rank 7, my account name was mike9780 and im sure Avatar, Mauzer panteri, or Nickerot will vow for me as i was a part of the macedonian empire...
23.01.2013 - 20:07
Acquiesce took care of this. PM him or I if you have any troubles accessing the account.