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發表從 clovis1122, 20.06.2015 - 11:56
Epic_win's suggestion for improve the Strategy Points System.


among the community problems there is what we like to call "low rank farm", terminology used when high-ranked players plays against low-ranked opponents. Due to the upgrades advantage, the high rank player is most likely to win against the low rank one. While this is a natural result, there are players who use this method for take advantage over other players. This was one of the most important topics back at his times, in which some clans would only play certain clans that were considered easy to beat, while avoiding the others clans.

I want to reduce the advantage of a high rank over a low rank as much as possible, while avoiding the devaluation of the SP currency more than it already is. This thread contain my conclusion about this case. The solution of this problem, I believe, is on the current strategy system.

Table of Contents.

1. Current SP system
. 1.1 Facts about the current SP system.
. 1.2 Current deficiencies.

2. Rank-Tier unlock system (R.T.U.S).
. 2.1 The changes.
. 2.2 Propaedeutic circle.
. 2.3 Intermediate circle.
. 2.4 Final circle.
. 2.5 Facts about the R.T.U.S system.
. 2.6 Clearing out some things.

3. After the game.
. 3.1 Strategy builder.
. 3.2 SP combo.
. 3.3 Medals.
. 3.4 Other possible uses for the Strategy Points.

1. Current SP system

You can access to it in-game or in the website. In-game, it have 3 windows: One show your current SP and the upgrades available, the other show the upgrades you already have, and the third one shows the button for reset upgrades.

1.1 Facts about the current SP system

  • SP can be used to buy upgrades & strategies, to buy a clan (10,000 SP) or to change your name (7,500 SP).

  • The SP you require to rank up from rank 0 to rank 10:

    Rank 0: 0 - 49 SP
    Rank 1: 50 - 99 SP
    Rank 2: 100 - 2,999 SP
    Rank 3: 3,000 - 9,999 SP
    Rank 4: 10,000 - 24,999 SP
    Rank 5: 25,000 - 49,999 SP
    Rank 6: 50,000 - 99,999 SP
    Rank 7: 100,000 - 169,999 SP
    Rank 8: 170,000 279,999 SP
    Rank 9: 280,000 - 449,999 SP
    Rank 10: 450,000 - 699,999 SP


  • Premium & non premium comparison:


    521,955 SP for get all the upgrades.
    Rank 10 + 71,995 SP for all the upgrades.


    356,600 SP for get all the upgrades.
    Rank 9 + 76,600 SP for all the upgrades.
    An user can get the 10 first upgrades before rank 5.

    1.2 Current deficiencies

    Apart of giving too much advantage to high ranks, there are two characteristics from the current Strategy Points system that difficult its use:

  • Upgrades are organized by cost, and not by style. You have the infantries upgrades around 28,000 cost, the marines upgrades split between 1,000 and 25,000, etc. This difficult the player at the moment of buy an upgrade.

  • "Useless upgrades" or upgrades that have too low priority. Players tends to skip them until the very end. Ex: Lift the frog I.

    2. Rank-Tier-Unlock system (RTUS) :

    The Rank-Tier-Unlock system (R.T.U.S) does correct the majority of the deficiencies of the current system. Basically, a tier-type system in which the upgrades are locked in two factors: Ranks and Previous upgrades. I will present the new rank limit and the upgrades with their respective prize, then I will explain why the system have those changes.

    2.1 The changes.

    SP required by the new system:

    Rank 0: 50-99 SP

    Rank 1: 100 - 999 SP
    Rank 2: 1,000 - 4,999 SP
    Rank 3: 5,000 - 14,999 SP
    Rank 4: 15,000 - 29,999,SP
    Rank 5: 30,000 - 49,999 SP

    # For join Main Room you need 30k of SP. This is, rank 5 or higher. Gives enough time for the beginner to adapt and learn.

    Rank 6: 50,000 - 99,999 SP
    Rank 7: 100,000 - 169,999 SP
    Rank 8: 170,000 299,999 SP

    #The game ends at 300,000 SP. This is, when the player reach rank 9.

    Rank 9: 300,000 - 469,999 SP
    Rank 10: 470,000 - 699,999 SP

    The requirement for unlock an upgrade can be found in the next excel document: http://1drv.ms/1RcTJZJ

    New upgrade organization:

    Note: For avoid confusion I've added an image of the unit, along with the cost.

    Rank 0 - 150 SP.

    Tier 1:

    Tier 2:

    Tier 3:

    Rank 1 - 950 SP.

    Upgrades Available:

    Tier 1:

    Tier 2:

    Tier 3:

    Rank 2 - 2,600 SP.

    Upgrades Available:

    Tier 1:

    Tier 2:

    Tier 3:

    Rank 3 - 12,900 SP.

    Upgrades Available:

    Tier 1:

    Tier 2:

    Tier 3:

    Rank 4 - 27,500 SP.

    Upgrades Available:

    Tier 1:

    Tier 2:

    Tier 3:

    Rank 5 - 41,000 SP.

    Upgrades Available:

    Tier 1:.

    Tier 2:

    Tier 3:

    Rank 6 - 50,800 SP.

    Upgrades Available:

    Tier 1:

    Tier 2:

    Tier 3:

    Rank 7 - 74, 100 SP.

    Upgrades Available:

    Tier 1:

    Tier 2:

    Tier 3:

    Rank 8

    Upgrades Available:

    Tier 1:

    Tier 2:

    Tier 3:

    The premium version (with 10% SP discount) can be found online in this excel archive: http://1drv.ms/1RcTJZJ

    2.2 Propaedeutic circle.

    I will start up by explaining the changes made from rank 0 to rank 4, which are the ones that affects the beginners.

    When you are going to learn something new, you usually start by the easy part. You don't want to go in-deep with the mechanics, just have a good time and some fun. The propaedeutic circle was made for those conditions. All the upgrades from rank 0 to rank 4 are simply to understand, and none of them represent any difficult to master. The range-skills and overproduction aren't still that efficient enough for secure you a expansion or the game.

    One of the most notorious changes is that there isn't any Stealth-related strategy from rank 0 to rank 4. This is because I've noticed the beginners players, specially from rank 0 to rank 2 doesn't wall their countries that often. Also, they doesn't use the sentry plane as they should. By giving a stealth-base strategy to a beginner the gap between those who knows how to use it and those who doesn't goes way too big. In other words, a rank 3 can every single country from a rank 0 without the rank 0 being able to counter, and this is not nice.

    All the units are available before rank 5, at a very affordable prize. Now you can experiment the Anti-Air and the Stealth without having to delay the other important upgrades. The helicopter, even though you get them free for liking aw page, at 700 cost you can get them easy even if you don't have Facebook or Twitter. The diversity is guarantee, and the user's option for game-play are maximized.

    It is also wort saying that the general's role on the game is rather slow, with only 3 updates available.

    2.3 Intermediate circle.

    This circle correspond to rank 5 and 6.

    As soon as the user reach rank 5, he is given the chance to play the powerful MoS, or the might GW. If you don't like the stealth-type of strategies, then Sky Menace is also available for you. By giving theses strategies as soon as the player get to main room, his chances of beating a high rank grows higher. Sky Menace can be played at his maximum potential, with all ATS updates unlocked in the previous circle. For those who doesn't feel inclined for bigger world strategies, Faster infantries are also available at the cost of 9,450 SP (almost 1/3 his prize!).

    In rank 6 you can get the upgrades you need for make your forces even stronger. With all the infantries updates you are ready to play Europe! On the other hand, the marines updates will serve you well if you are looking for whole world games, or maybe playing scenarios. The best part is that a non-premium player could only get both Infantries and ATS upgrades at minimum rank 7 (over 100,000 SP) , but now they are able to get them at rank 6 for a little less than half the cost (around 40,000 SP).

    So, the limit for 3vs3 could finally be established at rank 6. Additionally, picking the updates wrong doesn't hurt so bad anymore - with the cheap cost is easy to change style. Players at rank 6 could start thinking about making their own clan (SP left between tiers secures so) or join a competitive clan.

    The general get some quite good bonus in this level.

    2.4 Final circle.

    This circle have the upgrades that are usually left for the end by the players. Lucky upgrades, submarine upgrades and the Transport upgrades. The strong Blitzkrieg is available at rank 7, for entertain the players for a while.

    The strongest general upgrades are available at rank 8. Movement Range is the most expensive upgrade from the game (for a premium user), at the cost of 23,000 SP.

    2.5 Facts about the R.T.U.S system

  • Prem vs Non-prem comparision:

    300,000 For get all the standard upgrades.
    Rank 9 + 0 for all the upgrades.

    398,595 SP For get all the upgrades.
    Rank 9 + 98,595 for all the upgrades.

    2.6 Clearing out some things.

  • The organization between tiers (1,2,3) is only servers for make it easier to buy upgrades. Most of the strategies there supply the role of Offensive, Defensive and Supportive.

  • The principal strategies (PD, NC, RA) cost 50, because the idea is to create a tutorial for introduce players to the new upgrade system. I believe a small tutorial explaining how does it work will avoid them posting on forum later on, or asking in game "How to buy upgrades? ". For sum up, they can choose one strategy when they log in the game for first time (assuming they start with 50 SP as I expect).

  • Even through the stealth upgrades are for rank 5+, we cannot let it to be something "New" to players, that is why the units are available. You can still play with the lovely marines - however, it will be harder than with MoS or GW.

  • The cost of strategies at 300,000 for non premiums was just a point of reference that I took before starting the changes. Moving the rank 9 up to 300,000 SP was also for reference - it doesn't have to be in this way. However, it does makes it easier to give future references from this system to someone else. Ex: "Rank 9+ have all the upgrades".

  • The terminology of "The game ends" only mark the limit in which the player is able to get all the upgrades.

  • The image used for explain the system are merely for give a graphical view. It doesn't have to be how the last system will be represent.

    3. After the game.

    作者: Fruit, 27.07.2012 at 00:10

    As many know now, at rank 10 you reach a point where there are no more upgrades. Now, I don't want to be overpowered but I would like to keep having the ability to feel like I'm achieving something

    This quote summarizes the situation at rank 9. The SP currently have very few uses, and this limits the option of an user. By giving new ways to use the SP, a player can have more varieties, and possibility stay in the game longer than usual. This whole point is to give usage to SP after reaching rank 9.

    3.1 Strategy Builder.

    Allowing the user to make his own strategy, with some objects.


    - Unlocked at Rank 9, at the cost of 20,000 SP.
    - Can be accessed from Upgrades tab.
    - The strategy image will be fully configurable, and you can put the name.
    - Only one free slot for one strategy. Second slot can be unlocked at rank 10 for 50,000 SP.

    - Rule #1: Max 3 boost elected.
    - Rule #2: Max one boost per unit.

    Objects Available:

    With those two rules I expect to prevent any "op" combo. Usually, when people play an strategy, they only use one or two units mainly. That's why the criteria I've used for construct the Rule #3 was to avoid possible overpowered combinations. As for the rule #2, it does avoid the unit stacking. On the objects it was my personal criteria to not include anything that boost one unit, and Nerf another unit.

    Here are the basic objects:

    ---LAND UNITS---


    1) +1 attack, -2 defense.
    2) +1 defense, -1 attack
    3) -20 cost, -1 attack, -1 defense.
    4) +5 critical, -1 range.


    1) -30 cost, -1 attack,
    2) +1 HP, -2 range.
    3) +1 defense, -1 attack.
    4) +5 critical, +5 cost.


    1) -70 cost, -1 attack.
    2) +2 hp, + 40 cost.
    3) +3 defense, -10 cost, -4 attack.
    4) +5 critical, -1 range.


    1) +1 attack, +30 cost.
    2) -20 cost, -2 attack.
    3) +1 range, -3 defense.
    4) +5 critical, -1 range.

    ---SEA UNITS---


    1) +3 defense, -5 range.
    2) +1 range, +1 attack, +30 cost.
    3) +5 critical, +10 cost.
    4) +10 view range, -2 defense.


    1) +1 capacity, -2 attack, -2 defense.
    2) +2 HP, +50 cost.
    3) +3 range, -1 capacity.
    4) -50 cost, -2 attack, -2 range.

    Sea Transports:

    1) +5 capacity, -3 range.
    2) +1 range, +30 cost.
    3) + 2 defense, -1 HP.
    4) -1 range, +2 defense against air planes.

    ---AIR UNITS---


    1) +1 range, +20 cost.
    2) +1 attack, +1 defense, -3 range.
    3) -2 attack, +2 defense.
    4) +1 attack, -2 defense.


    1) +2 attack, -3 range.
    2) +2 range, +50 cost.
    3) -50 cost, -1 attack.
    4) +10 critical, -1 range, -1 attack.


    1) -100 cost, -3 range.
    2) +5 defense, -2 attack, -5 range.
    3) +5 critical, -1 attack.
    4) +2 range, +30 cost.

    Air Transport:

    1) -100 cost, -1 capacity.
    2) +1 capacity, -2 range.
    3) +3 range, +150 cost.
    4) -1 defense, +3 defense against Air Planes.

    Now I know many players want to start pointing out "broken objects" as soon as they read them. While I do agree they require revision, I don't think they should'be changed due to a perception. They need to be tested, the combos, before conclude their truly power. I'll quote Acquiesce's words when I PM'ed him about this:

    Hard to say. Every boost is paired with a considerable nerf. If I were trying to make a strong strategy for eu I'd probably take the inf -cost boost and tank attack and hp boost. Then maybe the +capacity for sea transports. Thing is something like this you can only know through testing and trial and error.

    Nonetheless, we can change or remove an object if it get enough support (this is, for clear out some overpowered objects that are obviously strong).

    3.2 SP combo.

    We could also allow the option of "pick your upgrades", as an extension of the "Disable upgrades" button. You are given a preset amount of SP, and you can pick the upgrades you will be using for that game.

    I am not sure how complicated would be to implement this feature.

    3.3 Medals & Awards.

    The current medal system only gives you SP. This had created a new terminology, also know as "Medal Farm" due to their nice SP reward. Once I made an account and played one game. Even though I left, I still got many medals. They added 2,500 SP to me in 33 minutes.

    With the actual system you are able to get a medal for almost anything, because they were based in statics. My suggestion is to reduce the amount of SP you earn from a medal (half would be good).

    After that, we can implement some rewards that are incredibly hard to get, yet possesses a pretty good boost. This goes along with the strategy builder and represent an achievement, an unique award. I believe this would encourage the players to break records and face themselves. Ex: Marines are still stealth even when attacked by other troops, +% critical to all the units, etc.

    Sadly, most of those boost would be hard to implement. I'll wait till the game is more established before elaborating this idea.

    3.4 Adding more uses to the Strategy Points.

    Additionally we could add many new ways to spend SP. One suggestion:

  • We could add special set of colors,profile edits and other customization at the cost of SP.
  • 19.07.2015 - 22:43
    Great Support
    29.08.2015 - 23:00

    As an encouragement for the starting player, a reward could'be given by completing the tutorial / reading the FAQ. Some players (me include) likes a lot to play games without reading the instructions for one or other reasons (as for my case, back then I didn't knew English, and also considered they were 'bored').

    For example:

    A) We can make Rank 0 to be from 0 - 99 SP and give a medal (wort 50 SP) to the players who completes the tutorial.

    B) If my stacking items idea is implemented, admins could give beginners a kind-of starting package that includes:

    1x incognito (1 hour).
    1x Name Changer.
    3x SP multiplier (One for each: 1.3x, 1.5x and 2x)
    SP discount package (5 days)

    The idea with B) is to introduce the players to 'proto-goodies' that doesn't affect the game in general (I mean, none of them gives them advantage in-game). The player will, then, have the option to prove the items (and if he likes them, that means admins are going to gain $$).

    I don't see any point in creating multiples accounts for exploit this. However, if it proves to be exploitable, then we can either put a rank condition to the package or disable the package for any IP that belongs to a higher account.
    30.08.2015 - 15:53
    Too much info, keep it nice and shortings please
    30.08.2015 - 17:15
    作者: b0nker2, 30.08.2015 at 15:53

    Too much info, keep it nice and shortings please

    I believe what makes it long are the image. I might short them...

    What do you think about it?
    26.12.2015 - 15:13
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