24.06.2017 - 13:58
This is guide on what intercepts are and how to use them. So what is an intercept? An intercept is when your units will follow the enemy units. Here are some criteria for your units to intercept. 1) Your unit cannot be the "first" attack on an enemy stack. 1a: Say you hit a stack with 1 inf first move, and then hit it with 5 inf the second move. The 1 inf CANNOT intercept MOST OF THE TIME, but the 5 inf CAN intercept if the following criteria is met. Do not rely on the "first" attack to intercept since it is INCREDIBLY inconsistent. Rely on your second and consecutive attacks to intercept. 2) The absolute distance between where your enemy last put his unit is within range of your unit that CAN intercept. 2a: This means that even if the enemy moves over water or un-passable areas, as long as where the enemy unit ends up is within range of your INTERCEPT unit, the intercept will happen. Note: This only happens to enemy stacks in the open. As far as I know, it is impossible to intercept units coming out of a city since your unit will just end up hitting the city every time. Note2: You can intercept with every unit type, ground, air, naval. Note3: This is much less consistent when trying to intercept air units. This sounds super complicated, but it's actually very easy to do. In fact, many have done it on accident and seen their units teleport. THIS ISNT A BUG, IT'S A FEATURE OF THE TB MECHANIC. The best way to understand something is to see it in action. Note the following scenario: ![]() I'm ukr and turk has me forked between kiev and moscow. If you don't know what forking is, it's a chess term that means the enemy is threatening two or more valuable pieces or in this case locations. Moscow and kiev are both very important to me as ukr and I won't know where turk will attack. However, using intercepts, I won't have to know since my units will automatically follow to wherever the enemy sends. Watch as I perform the intercept: ![]() http://i.imgur.com/tvKjxaF.mp4 Ok let me break down what happened here. First move, I hit the enemy stack with 1 unit, and then second move I hit it with my gen stack with the rest of my unit. The 1 unit fails to tb the 69 enemy units. So the 69 enemy units continue their attack in moscow. My second attack which was my gen stack follows and BECAUSE it is my own city, they defend. (I'm fairly sure if the intercept is made into an enemy city, my units will attack and theirs will defend). Basically, I took the guesswork out of predicting where the enemy will hit and relying on the intercept mechanics to have my units automatically follow the enemy. ================================================================================================================================================ Now some really funky shit such as "teleportation" and other effects can happen because of intercept. ![]() http://i.imgur.com/t0vtoKA.mp4 So once again the breakdown. My first hit with the 1 inf from kiev fails to tb the transport so the transport moves to it's destination. It's final destination is within range of my gen stack "second" hit so it follows. Notice how it skips over water, this is the infamous "teleportation" that many people experience. In actuality it's simple intercept and tb mechanics. =============================================================================================================================================== So how to avoid the dreaded intercept if you are the attacker? Well simple, you send everything except one unit to your actual target. And the one unit can be a decoy to draw the intercept. ![]() http://i.imgur.com/plxz9pu.mp4 So here is breakdown again. Ukr 1 inf fails to tb the enemy unit so the enemy unit goes to their target. Enemy split most of units to go to kiev and the remaining unit to whatever. Your intercept follows the remaining unit and you get owned for relying on intercepts too much.. Ok that's basically it as far as intercept goes. I'm still not sure why intercepting air units can sometimes be a little weird, That is to come I guess?? Bye have a beautiful time!
24.06.2017 - 14:03
Are you sure all of this isnt HAX?!
---- ''Everywhere where i am absent, they commit nothing but follies'' ~Napoleon ![]()
24.06.2017 - 14:08
---- o_O
24.06.2017 - 14:08
Similar thing is possible with walls, except you can move even militia at the same range as a tank. This seems a little easier to do since you don't necessary need a wall to do it. I don't know why you would share this with everyone since teleporting infantry over water is clearly a glitch and should have just been reported to Ivan.
---- Be Humble
24.06.2017 - 14:09
It isn't a glitch, it's a feature of intercept which is what this guide is about. You need to realize that somethings are there by design.
24.06.2017 - 14:14
My bad, guess going through walls or moving militia more than their assigned range must also be a unique feature added by design with a simple few steps (just like a fun little PS2 cheat code). With the sarcasm aside, I don't want to speak for Ivan nor Amok, but I highly doubt they purposely coded/implemented a way to move land units which normally don't go over water without transportation to do so by simply tb-ing 1 enemy transport.
---- Be Humble
24.06.2017 - 14:15
I have always done the decoy thing where u leave 1 unit behind to prevent units from following ![]()
---- The enemy is in front of us, the enemy is behind us, the enemy is to the right and left of us. They cant get away this time! - General Douglas Mcarthur ![]()
24.06.2017 - 14:17
it's literally how the code executes and the result of it. It's what we have as a mechanic so it's a game mechanic.
24.06.2017 - 20:04
You're both NOT wrong... yes , it is a game mechanic. Point YR. But It definitely wasn't 'planned' - Amok did not sit down and say to himself "How can i get militia to over extend their range, and have non-naval units cross water like Jesus, but only on defense, since good christian's turn the other cheek, so we can't have them walking on water to attack. (Yeah, sarcasm kinda hard to avoid in this one.) But seriously, Amok discusses how the mechanic was originally developed, and this was certainly an unintended side effect. Given a glitch is usually defined as an irregularity in the typical mechanic, point for DM.
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24.06.2017 - 20:28
It's actually 75% more to YR than DM. Lands units were meant to be able to intercept other Land units (and sea/air units which are on their range/zone). Naval units were meant to intercept other Naval units (and land/air units which are on their range/zone). Air units were meant to intercept any type of unit. Easier said than done. Coming up with such algorithm is a non-trivial stuff. It's actually quite hard. Because the game doesn't consider zigzagging as a move and only accounts lines, there's no reliable way to know if an unit truly had range to reach any place - except in the obvious case where it can't reach the place through a straight line. I believe the approach that admins took was to check the final destination of the intercepted unit as a last-step to start the battle. This way, Naval units would only attempt to intercept in-sea, while land units would only do so in land*. The actual path to reach such destination is not accounted. In any case, if you'll follow that logic, then using sea shortcuts (and possibility walls, according to some sources) are also a glitch given the fact that they weren't 'planned' in the way they are now. Admins just (like with rewall/serbian wall) accepted them as tactics (probably grave up at coming with a fix for those - again, not-so-easy task). *You can bug the zone so it isn't considered as sea... in a number of ways. Though, a pure stack of land units will never follow any other unit to sea.
24.06.2017 - 20:37
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24.06.2017 - 22:35
Silverlight also had other "fun" mechanics as not being able to pass through units even though those units are not part of a wall. Remember the days of the flower walls. I like HTML5 more because of the new "snap to city" mechanic that units have so a single unit that isnt part of a wall can't block anymore. A single unit below kiev used to ruin turk pd rushes, now your unit will just auto snap to kiev and ignore the unit as long as you were in range of kiev.
24.06.2017 - 22:53
not really, to turk pd rush you need to zoombug, which is ruined by a unit below kiev anyway
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24.06.2017 - 22:58
Yes , but imo this intercept is a double-edged sword Nice topic ![]()
---- ''People ask for criticism, but they only want praise.''
24.06.2017 - 23:16
No it isnt.
24.06.2017 - 23:26
i was just making a point to clovis that it wasn't intentional. Also Flower Power was an oversight, and it was removed... the idea was that units shouldn't be able to 'pass through' one another. It was nerfed in SL, so the nerf was intentional (and it can be brought back - the proximity zone is still in place, it's just that the pass-through feature doesn't apply to planes/ships now... it does apply to land units though.
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24.06.2017 - 23:28
last I checked, it doesn't apply to land unit and your unit will snap to a city if you have range.
24.06.2017 - 23:33
ahh, right, yeah, meant cities.
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25.06.2017 - 07:12
It started to happen once the interception mechanics were introduced. I'm unsure about the exact time. Most likely when the Turn Block mechanism was tweaked (late SL), or it always existed.
Flower Power was probably an oversight (admins will never know the use that the players will make of their tools...). But do note that admins accepted it as a tactic, and it was widely popular and used by all sort of players on it's era. The reason of it's removal didn't had much to do with the tactic itself (more with the 'unbreakable' wall bug...). Also, it can't be bought back with the current walls mechanics (or you'll introduce other bugs....).
25.06.2017 - 09:08
It's almost as if EC is really active clan and we encourage learning game mechanics to get better rather than just slap it off as bugs or hacks.
25.06.2017 - 09:19
Why not try making it in sp police forum? ![]() I guarantee tens of upvotes in days...
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25.06.2017 - 09:19
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25.06.2017 - 16:01
I haven't used this mechanic too much because i didn't fully know how it worked, Yellow Rose with yet another insightful tip ![]()
26.06.2017 - 16:26
Or you are just trying to save your own ass after being accused of hacking. ![]()
26.06.2017 - 17:02