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03.12.2012 - 06:57
I saw that there was'nt any decent featured europe map, some love ultimate europe but for me it is way to crowded to be playable

So now I'm working on a huge world sized europe map, by exemple it take more or less 1 full turn range for a transport from normandy to reach south-east england

As I always give a lot of importance to reality, the population and economy are 100% real

800k and +=8

If you have any question or comments, you want to tell me that the population of a city is wrong just tell it to me. Most of the time it is the agglomeration population but sometime I just did'nt find the data and had to use city population

The economy is based from the 2009 eurostat data: Why 2009 simply because it's the first one that i found that included every euro region. To increase a bit the income in game i switched from euro to american dollars with an arbitrary value of 1.365

#millions of Euros X 1.365= Income in game

Outside of the european union I have to search from secondary sources. By exemple switzerland I just picked the total gdp and splitted in according to the population of frenchs, germans and italians

Here is a global screenshot:

Here a screenshot more localized:

Units: Default units

Innacuracy: I had to split nordrhein and westfalen due to the huge manpower of this region, also now with the boundary on the rhine it will help for napoleonic era scenario or roman empire scenario. Just for this I also gave the rheinland territory east of teh rhine to hessen

Without 100+= Europe(minus iceland that is way to far away)
With 100+ cities= All the map including asian turkey and maghreb by exemple

Some rivers are fully navigable: Exemple you can take a boat from Nantes to saint-étienne, walk to lyon and take an other boat to the mediterranean sea

Flag and city pictures will arrive in the future once all the demographic, geographic and economic work is done

I hope you love it, start to play it and used it for as many scenarios as you can

Feedbacks are welcome

Edit: I know that the map looks like poor and for now it is voluntary, I want to finish my map before to increase the income of every territory by the same %. If you are not happy for now just increse the income in yoru scenario. Also it is way better a to poor map than a way to rich and unbalanced map. At least now you have to think what and where you will buy each turn.
03.12.2012 - 09:27
Nice, it would also be interesting to see the world map of europe size. ^^
03.12.2012 - 11:04
Nice! This is going to be awesome.
作者: Mahdi, 23.11.2013 at 20:30

I don't consider the phrase "massive fag" to be an insult. Mods did.
03.12.2012 - 14:13
Looks good
The great questions of the day will not be settled by means of speeches and majority decisions but by iron and blood.
03.12.2012 - 17:37
Not bad .

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